Field help (CTRCDDGRD2) 

Use this field to select the replacement reason code for a fixed-term employment contract or a temporary employment contract.
SEEINFO For example, the REM replacement reason code is used for fixed-term employment contracts for replacement periods of less than a month.

It is used to manage people (students for example) replacing employees on annual leave for replacement periods of less than a month.
SEEWARNING The REM replacement code is not taken into account within the framework of the Cerfa 2483 form and the labor movement declaration.

This reason is mandatory for the N4DS (S40.G10.05.019) concerning the following contract natures (S40.G10.05.012.001):
02 - Fixed term contract
27 - Fixed term contract with a set objective
28 - Fixed term contract for senior employees

Concerning the implementation of the interprofessional national agreement dated 11 January 2013, the amount of the unemployment insurance contributions is based on the reason and duration of the fixed-term contracts. The various categories of impacted fixed-term contracts must be identified based on the reasons for appeal.

When the contract is a fixed term contract with a set objective, this field is automatically populated with the FTC with set objective value. You cannot modify this value.