Field help (DADTYP) 

The allocation type controls the calculation method for the amount that will be posted to the destination dimension(s). This amount can be:

Three allocation types are suggested:

1. Entered
The allocation of the type/dimension combination to be allocated is carried out in proportion to the quantities of non-financial units recorded at the dimensions level. Those dimensions with no allocation non-financial unit (defined in the Allocation non-financial unit field) are not impacted. The allocation is therefore carried out for the account to be allocated. If the latter is not entered, then the allocation is carried out for each type in turn.

For example:
Electricity expenses need to be allocated (type of the expenses to be allocated: "Overhead expenses"). These electricity expenses are posted to an "Energy" dimension when they are reported for workshops that consume electricity ("Workshop1" and "Workshop2"). The chosen allocation non-financial unit is the kW. The allocation is going to take place over these two dimensions in proportion to the quantities of allocation non-financial unit entered on these two dimensions. Let us assume that the amount posted to the "Energy" dimension is EUR 1,000.


Nf-U (kW)

Allocated amount 

 Workshop 1



 Workshop 2



2. Calculated (Amt)
The allocation is carried out in proportion to the balance of the dimensions corresponding to the receiving dimension template for the allocation type (Allocation type field). The allocation concerns the type to be allocated. If it is not entered, it is executed successively for all the types.

For example:
An "Administration" dimension to which advertising expenses have been posted (type to be allocated: "Advertising"). The purpose is to allocate these advertising expenses on the other departments in proportion to the amount of sales of each department (allocation type: "Sales). If the advertising expenses are EUR 5,000.


Sales (EUR)

Allocated amount 

Department 1



Department 2



3. Calculated (Qty)
The allocation is carried out in proportion to the quantities of the non-financial unit of the allocation type (Allocation type field) actually consumed (or produced) by the dimensions corresponding to the receiving dimension template. This means that it must be possible to enter a non-financial unit on the allocation type and that a quantity for said non-financial unit has been properly entered at the level of each invoice or journal. The allocation concerns the type to be allocated. If it is not entered, it is executed successively for all the types.

For example:
An "Administration" dimension to which advertising expenses have been posted (type to be allocated: "Advertising"). The purpose is to allocate these advertising expenses on the other departments (dimensions) in proportion to the turnover achieved by each department. In other words, the turnover is going to be allocated in proportion to the quantities of the non financial unit of the "Sales" allocation type, entered for each service. Going back to the last example, the allocation will be as follows for the advertising expenses for an amount of EUR 5,000.


Sales (EUR)

Allocated amount 

Department 1



Department 2

