This field displays the recovered VAT amount of the asset for the IAS/IFRS. It is calculated from the invoiced VAT amount for IAS/IFRS and the VAT deduction coefficient.
In creation mode, the calculated value can thus be forced. The entered amount must have the same sign as the Ex-tax entry valueamount and be lower or equal to the invoiced VAT amount. When you enter this amount,you can select Recalculation by application from the Action icon in the field to cancel the entry and automatically recalculate this amount from the ex-tax entry value and invoiced VAT rate.
Once the creation is complete, this value cannot be directly modified in this screen. Click Refresh to update. The recovered VAT amount can be modified by the VAT adjustment processing, when the definitive deduction coefficient is applied.
If the asset is composed of the capitalization of expenses, this value is forced with the total of recovered VAT amounts of the attached expenses. Its forcing is canceled and it is recalculated in case one of the VAT coefficients or the activity sector are modified, thus defining a new recovered VAT rate.
It can be updated by adding new expenses or withdrawing already attached expenses. If the value was forced, it is updated with the amount of recovered VAT of the newly added or withdrawn expenses. If the value was not forced, it is recalculated based on the displayed rate.