This field displays the depreciation mode, potentially defined when applying the field association following an account posting change. Otherwise, the field is left blank.
It can be entered or modified only if the Process indicator has been activated for the plan. This mode should be authorised for the related company, plan and country.
The choice of the mode is submitted to the following restrictions:
- On a French company Fiscal plan, the method can only be DF - French decreasing, or LP French straight line.
- The CA - Amortization expense / Gross value or RA - Amortization expense / Net value modes can only be used on a plan of the Accounting and fiscal context other than the Subsidy plan and only if the asset holding type is In concession. If the management mode of the concession is Transmitted by renewal, the depreciation method of the plan designated to manage the amortization expense must be:
- SA, when it comes to renewing assets. - The OPE - Operation Units mode can only be used on a plan belonging to the context retained for the OPE management and only if the asset has been attached to a Production workbench.
The modification of the amortization mode can lead to the modification of the Depreciation start date of the plan and its loading, according to the setup carried out at the level of the Depreciation method, either with the First use date, or with the Purchase date, or with the Posting date.