Field help (DPRDUR2) 

The rules for the entry and the value of the asset depreciation duration are a function of the depreciation method entered. The duration can be entered except if the method has the value: "WD" (Without depreciation), "OPE" (Operation unit), "PI" (Progressive inflated), "OR" (Ordinario) or "AN" (Anticipato). In this case, the duration will be equal to 0 and it cannot be modified. It is mandatory that it is greater than or equal to 3 years for the "Digressive" type methods. If the depreciation method is a "Free" method, the duration is at least equal to the minimum duration specified for this method. Since the duration is a determined field, it can be entered by applying the field association, after entering the determining value: "Account" or "Group". After confirmation, the duration can only be modified via the "Change method" action.