This field displays the minor version of the product.
The minor version number can only be accessed if the tracking of major and minor versions is active at the level of the product setup (in the Management tab of the Product function, the Stock version field is set to 'Major and minor').
If the preloading of versions is active at the product/customer level (in the Customers tab of the Product function, the Version preloading box is checked), or by default, at the product/sales level (in the Sales tab of the Product function, the Version preloading box is checked), then the last active minor version is preloaded automatically.
The picking of orders, open orders, picking ticket et subcontract shortages will lead to the transfer and control of version numbers on the delivery.
For automatic deliveries of orders and picking tickets, version numbers are transferred and the control on versions is applied to the delivery.
If the version is not correct, a message of information is displayed in the log file.