Field help (EECSCHSHI) 

The EU rule or statistics is used to characterize the nature of the intra-community operation from a fiscal or statistical point of view. The EU rule is used in the Intrastat declaration.

This information is initialized on the physical lows from where it can be modified. Certain financial information flows (Invoices and sales credit memos) will also have access to this information.

The initialization of the EU rule is carried out as follows :

Flow type

EU regulation


21  Delivery exonerated in France and taxable in the arrival member state

Loan shipment

29  Other shipments

Sub-contractor deliveries.

29  Other shipments

Inter-sites shipment

29  Other shipments

Export shipment with EU forwarder

29  Other shipments

Direct back-to-back shipment

31 Reinvoicing within a triangular operation

Invoice with stock movement

21  Delivery exonerated in France and taxable in the arrival member state

Invoice with stock movement

26 Commercial adjustment leading to a value increase

Customer return

19 Other introductions

Loan return

19 Other introductions

Credit memo with stock movement

19 +25 Other introductions / Commercial adjustment with decrease

Credit memo without stock movement

 25 Commercial adjustment leading to decrease in value


 11 Acquisitions taxable in France

Supplier return

29  Other shipments