This field displays the time it takes to perform this operation for the required number of items (as defined in the field Planned quantity).
The operating time:
- Is defined in hours or minutes (field Time unit).
- Is expressed for 1, 100, 1000 or a lot of units of the operation based on the management unit,
- Can be proportional or fixed based on the operating time type.
For example:
Time unit = Hours
Time type = proportional
Management unit = Time for 100
Operating time = 2
Operating unit = Kg
Finished product unit = Un
REL-OPE conversion coefficient = 0.5
The operation time is equal to 2 hours for 100 Kg. If the Work order is launched for 1000 units of the finished product, the time necessary to produce this operation is 10 hours to obtain 500 Kg.