Field help (FMI1) 

The method used for the delivery makes it possible to choose how to cover the need expresses by the order line. This need can be covered by the stock, a receipt direct order, a direct order or a production direct order.

Based on the parameterization of the product record (Sales tab), this field will be initialized in the following way:

Thus, if a product belongs to the category Purchased, and not to the category Manufactured, the direct order proposed by default will be a receipt direct order, except if the Direct quantity (Sales tab in the product record) is loaded, in which case the direct order type proposed by default will be a direct order if the ordered quantity is greater than or equal to the direct quantity.

In the same way, if a product belongs to the Manufactured category, but not to the Purchased category, the back-to-back proposed by default will be a production back-to-back order.

If the product belongs both to the Manufactured and Purchased categories, the type of direct order proposed will depend on the Reorder suggestion type specified on the Product//Site record (Planning tab). If the suggestion is of type Purchase, the direct order proposed will be a purchase direct order. If the suggestion is of type Manufacture, the direct order proposed will be a production direct order.

It is possible to select another delivery method to the one initialized by default, provided it is compatible with the product management and the order line is not allocated or a direct order has not been generated.