Field help (GACACCSHO) 

This field allows you to create a Short code that is used as a keyboard shortcut in entry mode for entries and documents. All short codes must begin with a letter.

Important points

Control accounts: If the Controlcheck box is selected.

This field contains the control account code. For example, C1 for a customer control account.

You can enter up to 4 characters and you cannot modify the short code for these accounts.

Non-control accounts: If the Control check box is not selected.

The limit is 12 characters and must match the format of the actual account. For example, if the account code has 6 characters, the associated short code can only have 6 characters. You can modify the short code.

The short code must not be confused with the code setup in the journal record.

For the journal, the code setup is only one character (letter or number).

It is associated with a specific account and journal.

 When entering the Short code in a Journal entry, it is replaced with the actual account code.