Field help (ITMREF7) 

The entry of a product is mandatory, but it is possible to choose between entering the internal reference of the product in this field and entering the supplier reference in the next field. In these two cases, the existence of this reference is controlled in the Product record.

The entered product:

In addition, you cannot create several lines for the same product and the same receiving site. If this is the case, a blocking error message will be returned: "Product-site contract line already exists. Addition impossible".

Inter-company specificities:

On an inter-site or inter-company open order, you can only enter products of the 'Received / Deliverable' type.

From the Product field, there are many possibilities. You can directly enter a product reference or use the Actions icon to:

The entry of the product is used to load the Description field, which can be modified.

After entering the product, the following messages may display: