Select Yes if the account is not located in the country where the owner lives. This identifies the BP account as a nonresident account.
No is the default value.
A nonresident account is used to enter the Economic reason code in payments when the following conditions are met:
- The threshold payment balance defined in the AMTVIR1-Threshold 1 payment balance or AMTVIR2 - Threshold 2 payment balance parameter is met (PAY chapter, RGL group).
- In Economic reasons codes (PBDECOCOD): enter values for the company legislation.
- In Economic reason/BP groups (PBDBPGRP ): enter values for the legislation and the BP code used for payments.
- The PBDDEFGRU - Payment balance default BP group parameter (TRS chapter, PBD group): enter the default BP group code used in payments or for migration for the related legislation.
- The payment entry type (GESTPY) used for the payment must have the Bank account numbercheck box selected.