This screen is used to choose the method of sending out a mass mailing.
- Post : This method can be used with both Crystal Reports or Microsoft Word to design
a template and then to print it out on paper.
- E-Mail : This method can be used with both Crystal Reports or Microsoft Word to design
a template an then to proceed with the issuing of and electronic message to each recipient.
If Crystal Report is used, the template is sent out as an attachment in Word format.
If Microsoft Word is used, the template makes up the body of the message itself.
- Fax : This method can be used with both Crystal Reports or Microsoft Word to design
a template and then to proceed with the sending of a fax to each recipient.
- XML : This method consists of triggering the generation of an XML file where the content is determined
by the choice of an XML mass mailing setup. The file can be generated by choice either on the server
or the client workstation. In the case of very large files, it is advisable to proceed with a
generation on the server.