Field help (MGGSELSPT) 

A selection support is a prerequisite for all criteria entry. However, some supports do not require the entry of a criterion. These are the types "All records" and "Processing". In this case, only the selection of the support is necessary to identify an intermediate population. In this situation, the "Criteria" tab cannot be accessed.

Several contextual menus are suggested to assist the user when searching for the most appropriate support:

1 / Selection: This menu displays the list of all the selection supports available for the intended target.

2 / Selection supports: This menu is used to access via a tunnel the selection supports management object. The left list only corresponds to the selection supports concerning the intended target. This is a very useful method to have a quick idea of the elements composing each available support.

3 / Standard supports: This menu displays the standard supports sub-group. The standard supports are generated via the target criteria regeneration function. For a target other than "BP" or "Contacts", this list is empty.

4 / Personalized supports: This menu displays the selection support sub-group defined by the user. For a target other than "BP" or "Contacts", this list is identical to that displayed by menu 1.

5 / Grouping supports: This menu displays only the list of the selection supports of the "Table grouping" type defined for the processed target whether they are standard or personalized.

6 / Processing supports: This menu displays only the list of the selection aids of the "Processing" type defined for the processed target.

7/ First level supports: This menu displays only the list of the selection aids of the "First level link" type defined for the processed target whether they are standard or personalized.