This field is used to select the date at which the mode change will be effective.
In a unitary process, the selections are available according to the depreciation start date of the asset:
- If the depreciation start date is before the start of the current financial year, the mode change can be effective on the Depreciation start date, Financial year start date or Period start date.
- If the depreciation start date is after or equal to the start of the current financial year, and before the start of the current period, the mode change can be effective on the Depreciation start date, or Period start date.
- If the depreciation start date is after or equal to the start of the current period, the mode change is automatically and necessarily effective on the Depreciation start date.
Specificities: if the depreciation mode is LB (Belgianlinear) and the specific rule is changing from Depreciation charge x2 to Depreciation charge x2 abandoned, then the mode change is necessarily effective on the Financial start date.
For more details and examples on the process terms related to the effective date selection for a mode change, see thefunction documentation.