Field help (ORGTYPIRC) 

The Declaration tab is only relevant for the French legislation.

Select the organization nature. The specificities are the following:


If the organization is a fund group, select IRC or IRC+IP.
The IRC and IRC+IP nature rules are applicable to the IRCANTEC nature.


The BTP nature can only be selected of the BTP activity code is active.
For BTP nature organizations, enter the paid leave fund in the Fund code field.

Urssaf, MSA and CCVRP

The Urssaf nature rules are applicable to the MSA and CCVRP natures.
For MSA nature organizations, enter the MSA fund in the Fund code field.

Welfare and Entertainment fund

The Welfare nature rules are applicable to the Entertainment fund nature.
For complementary organizations, select the Welfare nature, or select the Complementary organization, or both.

SEEINFO The fund group declaration is not recognized by the DSN norm. Only traditional
institutions are. The organizations declared as IRC+IP in Sage X3 People are processed organization by organization in the group.

An organization is created as a IRC+IP fund group with:

In the DSN, each organization is processed individually.