Enter a single transaction for automatic payment proposals. This field is available when the All transactions check box is not selected.
If the bank details are managed for the specific transaction, the Bank details country, IBAN prefix, and Bank acct. country columns display in the Details grid on the Payment proposal selection window. In this case, the bank account number is required and the line is highlighted red if a mandatory field is missing.
If bank details are not managed for the transaction, these three columns do not display in the Details grid.
Depending on the sign (Expense or Revenue), the payment transaction proposals vary (see the documentation the Payment transactions setup). If no transaction is selected, each payment is created on the first payment transaction found which refers to the payment mode.
A filter can be applied to the payment mode: only the invoices or open items showing the selected payment mode will be taken into account (as a reminder, the payment mode is defined using the payment condition).
Example 1:
For 3 payment due dates (customer invoice open items):
The first two payment conditions are linked to the CHQ payment mode (Check). The last one is linked to the VIR payment mode (VIR for Transfer).
The CCHQ (Received checks) and CCHQR (Checks to cash) payment transactions use the CHQ payment mode.
Only the CVIR (Received transfers) payment transaction use the VIR payment mode.
On automatic payment proposal, if the Payment transactions and Payment method fields are not entered, the following payments are created:
Various payments are generated for the invoice open items on statement (see the explanations on the specific processings).
Example 2:
Same data as for Example 1. But the payment mode is specified: CHQ
A payment of 200 EUR is generated on the CCHQ payment transaction.
Example 3:
Same data as for Example 1, but the CCHQR transaction is selected. Are only accepted open items by checks.
A payment of 200 EUR is generated on the CCHQR payment transaction.
Conclusion of the examples 1 and 2: the payment mode acts as a filter, either because it is a selection criterion (Example 2) or because, when it is associated with a transaction, it only authorizes open items involved by said payment mode (Example 3).
All validated invoice open items using the payment mode(s) linked to the payment transaction, and meeting the other selection conditions, are submitted for payment WITHIN THE SAME TRANSACTION.Exceptions must be managed either in the control grid (if the "Control" option is activated) or, if the case arises, directly upon payment entry.
Example 4: For 10 invoice open items having the check as the payment mode (CHQ), all are settled, but only two are placed in intermediate posting These two payments must be entered under the CCHQR transaction. It is then possible to launch the automatic payment proposal for the other open items, by specifying the CCHQ transaction. Another method (using the "Control" mode) consists in generating all the payments on the CCHQ transaction, then refining the obtained result by deselecting the two payments to be recorded as notes payable/receivable. It will then be possible to restart a campaign for the CCHQR transaction.