Field help (PRHFCYSCO) 

This field is managed based on the setup of the entry transaction of the subcontract order.

It displays the site where the goods must be delivered by the supplier. This site is initialized, in order of priority by:

In an inter-site/inter-company context, the receiving site is initialized as follows:

This receipt site must belong to the same legal company as the order site.

In case of modification of the receiving site, a message suggests to modify the site and location of the components concerned. If the answer is ‘Yes’, the receiving site specified in the service line, as well as the storage site and location for which the allocation of the components to be supplied to the supplier is to be performed are also modified.

When choosing the receiving site, a message can be displayed if the (receiving) product-site is not referenced by the supplier. This message can be blocking or a simple warning according to the choice made at the level of the ITMBPSFCY - Supplier-site referencing (ACH chapter, REF group) general parameter.