The code needs to be entered in the Basic price field. You use the selection window to view all the fields in the data dictionary for the ITMMASTER, ITMSALES, ITMMVT and ITMCOST tables. For example, if you need to define the price in relation to the base price of the product record, use the field code: [F:ITS]BASPRI.
The price is defined in the form of a calculation formula (numerical expression) entered in the Basic price field. The fields in the online tables and a certain number of variables can be used.
For the Coefficient or Calculation, use the following tables when searching for a price for a sales document: ITMSALES, ITMMVT, and ITMCOST. During setup, the VLTTOT field in the IMTCOST table is used to take the standard cost in the formula (Base price field) as an element of the gross price.