Field help (PTESIH) 

The payment terms define the payment code and the distribution rules of the various pre-payments and open items.
It is initialized from the payment code associated with the bill-to customer if it is a direct invoice or by the original document.
This information remains modifiable and its modification will trigger a recalculation of the open items.

From this field, it is possible to directly enter a payment code whose existence is controlled in the corresponding table or to use the contextual button to:

If the invoice is linked to a service contract, the payment condition is that of the service contract and not that of the order that may have created the service contract.
If SDD is managed in the payment terms, the field "Mandate reference" must be entered. The selection of a SDD-type payment term is prohibited if the "Pay-by BP" is a "Miscellaneous BP".

Only a discount code consistent with the legislation and company group of the document site can be entered.
SEEREFERTTOThe general principles linked to the multi-legislation setup are detailed here.