Field help (SALVACITM) 

This field indicates the tax level applied to the selected product.

The tax level, when crossed with the document tax rule, is used to determine the tax rate to be applied on the document line.

There are three tax levels for a document line.

The first level is compulsory and it corresponds to the VAT.

The other two levels concern additional and special taxes that can be submitted to the VAT or not, and be applied to the ex-tax basis or any other evaluated formula.

The tax levels for the document line will be loaded by default with the values associated with the product record (Accounting tab). These values can be modified depending on the transaction. You can also, if the user's authorizations permit it, access the tax level management.

The parameter CTLTAX - Tax codes control (VEN chapter, VAT group) is used to control that the tax codes linked to the tax level are consistent. Using this control, the system checks that the tax level: