Field help (SDHTYP3) 

The delivery type is used to determine, amongst other things, the sequence number counter at use.

Only one delivery type of the same category as the one specified in the entry transaction can be entered. However, when the category has for value All types, the delivery type is free; in this case, it this type that will determine the category.
Besides, the legislation and company group for which it is defined must be consistent with those of the shipping site company.
SEEREFERTTO For further information, click here.

The choice of the delivery type can be modified as long as no delivery line has been created.

When creating a delivery by picking documents (orders, contracts, picking tickets, sub-contract shortages, sub-contract reorders), the documents that are available for selection are filtered with respect to the delivery type: only the ones having the same delivery type or the ones with no delivery type are listed.

On creating a delivery directly from the order, this field is loaded with the deliver type mentioned in the order and taken from the setup of the order type. By default, the delivery type specified for the following parameters is taken into account:

When directly creating a nonbillable delivery, this field is loaded by default with the delivery type specified by the SDHTYPNINV - Nonbillable delivery type parameter.

During the Automatic deliver of orders processing, the delivery type consists in a grouping criteria. When it is not specified in the order, the delivery type entered in the processing launch function is the one that is taken into account.

During the Picking ticket delivery processing, the delivery type consists in a grouping criteria. When it is not specified in the picking ticket, the delivery type entered in the processing launch function is the one that is taken into account. This is the case of picking tickets related to sub-contracting requirements: in this context no delivery type is entered.

Type: import of loan delivery

If the delivery comes from a loan order, the information is automatically displayed. It can also be defined manually that the shipping being entered is a type loan shipping. The validation of a delivery of the loan type simply corresponds to a location change. The stock used in the loan delivery goes from a shipping site location to a Customer location defined for the ship-to customer. Therefore, there is no decrease in the physical stock upon validating a loan delivery. However, the available stock is decremented.

In order to be able to provide a loan to a customer, loans must be authorized for this customer (Commercial section in the customer record). In addition, it is necessary that a location of the Customer Stock type be defined and then associated with the delivery address of the customer (Ship-to customers section of the customer record). It is recommended that a loan location by customer and by delivery address be defined so as to view more clearly the products being loaned. Finally, for each product to be loaned, the product must authorize loans (Sales section of the product record) and be managed by location (Management section of the product site record).
It is important to note that loans are usually not to be invoiced since they are meant to be returned. In some cases, the loaned goods can however be invoiced if the customer has not returned them before the expected return date. The invoicing of a loan is done only from the delivery by clicking on the Invoice action. In this case, only non-returned goods will be invoiced. The physical issue of products will be performed on validating the invoice. A loan delivery can however lead to a Pro forma.

Type: subcontract deliveries

A sub-contract delivery is never attached to an order. It is always a direct delivery. It will therefore be appropriate for a delivery of this type to specify that it is a delivery sent to the subcontractor. The validation of a delivery of the loan type simply corresponds to a location change. The stock used in the subcontracting delivery goes from a shipping site location to a Sub-contractor location defined for the sub-contractor customer. Therefore, there is no decrease in the physical stock upon validating a sub-contracting delivery. However, the available stock is decremented.

The LST activity code must be active to be able to perform a subcontracting delivery. Then, a customer role must be assigned to the supplier as well as a delivery address related to a sub-contracting location. A sub-contracting shipment is used to replenish sub-contractors for whom material shortages have been reported during the operation they were assigned. A sub-contracting shipment is therefore not to be invoiced. The Invoice action is grayed out in this context. A Pro forma can however be created and associated with the goods.

Type: non-billable delivery

Non-billable deliveries include: