Field help (SOHTYP4) 

The order type is used to determine the order category (Normal (basic), Loan or Direct invoicing) as well as the sequence number used (if the sequence number is a manual counter, the order number can be entered). Contracts are not managed in this function.

Only an order type with a legislation and company group consistent with those of the company linked to the sales site can be entered.
  SEEREFERTTO For further information, click here.

Case of an order creation using the Order button from a quote

If the order is created using the Order button from a quote, the field is loaded with the order type entered in the Order type field of the quote.
If no order type is defined in the quote, the general parameter QUOORDCAT - Order category(VEN chapter, ORD group) is used to define the order category to apply (Normal or Direct invoicing).

If no value is defined in the QUOORDCAT - Order category from button parameter, the first order type in alphabetical order is used.