Field help (TAXCOEFAS) 

The taxation coefficient reflects the principle according to which, regarding taxable operations, only the tax on assets or services used for operations to have deduction right can be deduced.
Its value, which plays a role in the determination of the VAT deduction coefficient and collected VAT rate, must be set between 0 and 1 (range included).
It is equal to 1 when the asset or service is used (either completely or partly) for taxable operations and when these give full deduction right.
It is equal to 0 when the asset is not used for taxable operations giving deduction right.
In creation mode, its value is automatically loaded with that of the temporary taxation coefficient associated with the VAT sectorentered, and can be modified, in which case it is considered as forced (this is the case for assets assigned to an activity sector which can be used on several activity sectors).
If no VAT sector is entered, it is initialized to 1 and can still be modified.
This coefficient is updated by process VAT adjustment with the annual definitive coefficient defined for the activity sector to which it is assigned. It can also be forced. 
When it is forced, select Recalculation by application from the Action icon in the field to cancel the entry and makes it possible to collect the temporary coefficient associated with the activity sector or value 1 if no VAT sector is entered.