When it is a percentage, it can be combined with percentages previously defined, or applied in series to these elements.
There are thus two choices in this case: % combined, and % series.
Examples and where-used cases
- Amount: this amount is expressed in the currency used to enter the document. This can be the case for discounts expressed in amounts, additional charges or carriage charges entered in the line,
- Combined percentage: in this case, percentages are added. For instance, a discount of 20% combined with charges of 10% are combined to subtract 10% from the amount,
- Percentage in series: in this case, the two percentages are applied to the basis in a row. Thus, the discount of 20 % combined with the charges of 10% means that a discount of 12 % is applied to the amount.
The distinction between combined percentage and percentage in series is useful only for columns that are after the first one in the price list structure.