Field help (VRATYPINI) 

Reinitialization type
 of the variable

 Value of the variable
in the reference payroll

 Value of the variable
in the new payroll






 Standard value

 Auto update (*A)


 Not entered




Reinitialization type
 of the variable

 Value of the variable
in the new payroll as of pay date D




 Standard value

 Auto update (*A)

 Not entered


 Not entered

Y is determined as follows, by descending priority:
                - value entered in the latest site value record prior to D.
                - value entered in the latest folder value records prior to D.
               - otherwise, standard value.
The same algorithm is used if a value must be suggested for the variable at the pay date D, in the case of the mandatory generation or the manual addition of the variable for the payroll after automatic generation.

 - For an initialization variable, its value is initialized to the standard value if it is the employee's first payroll. Otherwise it is not initialized.

- (*A) The variables are automatically updated with the information from time entry or time summary.