Table V2023R1 | V9.0 (P12) | V11 (P22) | Abbreviation | Description | Module | Activity code |
BASGEN | | | BAS | Profit-sharing base | Human Resources administration | |
BASIND | | | HRBAI | Individ. DPS scheme base | Human Resources administration | |
BILIND | | Modification | BIN | Annual employee report indicators | Human Resources administration | FBIL |
BILRES | | Modification | BIL | Annual employee report | Human Resources administration | FBIL |
BILTXT | | Modification | BIX | Annual employee report | Human Resources administration | FBIL |
CAISSE | | Modification | PCA | Contribution funds | Human Resources administration | |
CALRUB | | | CRB | Headings to be calculated | Human Resources administration | |
CALRUBHIS | | | CRH | Headings to be calculated | Human Resources administration | MAS |
CALVAR | | Modification | CVR | Variables to calculate | Human Resources administration | |
CHQDEJHEA | | | CQH | Chèques déjeuner | Human Resources administration | FCQH |
CHQDEJLIG | | | HRCQL | Chèques déjeuner | Human Resources administration | FCQH |
CNGCPY | | | CNG | Annual leave periods | Human Resources administration | |
CNGEMP | | | CNE | Annual leave by employee | Human Resources administration | |
COTISATION | | | HRCOT | Contributions | Human Resources administration | |
CUMUL | | Modification | CUM | Totals | Human Resources administration | |
DADDNA | | | DNA | DNA employees | Human Resources administration | |
DADDNA2 | | | DNB | DNA Premiums | Human Resources administration | |
DADDNA3 | | | DNC | DNA Monthly allowances | Human Resources administration | |
DADDNA4 | | | DND | DNA Notice | Human Resources administration | |
DADDNA5 | | | DNE | DNA Allowances | Human Resources administration | |
DADDNA6 | | | DNF | DNA Working hours | Human Resources administration | |
DADDNA7 | | | DNG | DNA Back pay paid | Human Resources administration | |
DADDNA8 | | | DNH | DNA Entertainment remuneration | Human Resources administration | FINTM |
DADEMP | | | HRDAE | DADS-U employees | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP10 | | | DAL | GPEC DADS-U allowances | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP11 | | | DAM | Overtime DADS-U | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP12 | | | DAQ | DADS-U beneficiaries welfare | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP121 | | | DQE | DADS-U welfare | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP2 | | | DAS | DADS-U employees | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP3 | | | DAP | DADS-U welfare | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP31 | | | DPE | DADS-U events welfare | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP32 | | | DPP | DADS-U salary welfare | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP33 | | | DMU | DADS-U comp. health ins. | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP34 | | | DME | DADS-U events comp. health ins. | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP35 | | | DMP | DADS-U remuneration comp. h. ins. | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP4 | | | DAC | DADS-U employees | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP5 | | | DAG | DAS-U savings | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP6 | | | DAH | DADS-U shares | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP7 | | | DAI | DADS-U benefits | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP8 | | | DAJ | DADS-U exemptions | Human Resources administration | |
DADEMP9 | | | DAK | DADS-U allowances | Human Resources administration | |
DADFCY1 | | | DFY | DADS site | Human Resources administration | |
DADFCY2 | | | DFP | DADS site Welfare | Human Resources administration | |
DADFCY3 | | | DFR | DADS site Retirement | Human Resources administration | |
DADFCY4 | | | DFQ | DADS site Welfare | Human Resources administration | |
DECCHARGE | | Modification | DCH | Charge declarations | Human Resources administration | |
DEMCONGE | | | DCG | Holiday requests | Human Resources administration | |
DEMSPLITS | | | DCGSP | Leave sub type splits | Human Resources administration | |
DICODAD | | Modification | DDA | DADS-U field dictionary | Human Resources administration | POFR |
DICODSN | | | DSN | DSN field dictionary | Human Resources administration | KFR |
DUCS0 | | | DCS | DUCS | Human Resources administration | |
DUCS1 | | | DCL | DUCS | Human Resources administration | |
DUCS2 | | | DCT | DUCS Transport | Human Resources administration | |
DUCS3 | | | DCX | DUCS Transport tax | Human Resources administration | |
EMPLOCTREMP | | | CTE | Contract by employee | Human Resources administration | |
EMPLODIRNUM | | Modification | HREDM | Directive numbers | Human Resources administration | KZA |
EMPLOEXN | | | EXN | Expense notes | Human Resources administration | |
EMPLOPAS | | | EPA | WHT customized rates | Human Resources administration | FPAY |
EMPLOTAXAFR | | | ETA | Tax info | Human Resources administration | KAFR |
EMPLOTAXREC | | Modification | ETR | Tax info | Human Resources administration | FZAPH |
EPAADDPAY | | | EPAADP | Additional payments | Human Resources administration | EPA |
EPADETAILS | | | EPADET | External payments | Human Resources administration | EPA |
EPAGENPAY | | | EPAGPP | Generate external payments | Human Resources administration | EPA |
EPAHEADER | | | EPAHEA | External payments | Human Resources administration | EPA |
EPARAT | | | EPARAT | Standard rates | Human Resources administration | EPA |
EPARATD | | | EPARATD | External payment rates | Human Resources administration | EPA |
EPASETVAR | | | EPASLV | Variables | Human Resources administration | EPA |
EPASUSPEND | | | EPASPD | Suspension | Human Resources administration | EPA |
EPATYP | | | EPATYP | Type | Human Resources administration | EPA |
ESSDCG | | | ESDCG | Holiday requests | Human Resources administration | |
ESSDOCBLB | | | ESDL | ESS Document generation | Human Resources administration | HRESS |
ESSDOCGEN | | | ESDG | ESS Document generation | Human Resources administration | HRESS |
ESSDOCGENDET | | | ESDGD | ESS Document generation | Human Resources administration | HRESS |
ESSDOCTMP | | | ESSDT | ESS Document generation | Human Resources administration | HRESS |
ESSEMLBLB | | | ESBL | ESS payslip generation | Human Resources administration | HRESS |
ESSEMLTMP | | | ESSMT | Employee values | Human Resources administration | HRESS |
ESSMGRLNK | | | ESML | Manager link | Human Resources administration | HRESS |
ESSMGRLNKDET | | | ESMLD | Detail | Human Resources administration | HRESS |
ESSTAXBLB | | | ESTL | ESS Document generation | Human Resources administration | HRESS |
ESSUSRTRK | | | ESUT | Users | Human Resources administration | HRESS |
EXCEPTC | | Modification | ECC | Calculation exceptions | Human Resources administration | |
EXCEPTD | | Modification | ECD | Calculation exceptions | Human Resources administration | |
EXCEPTH | | Modification | ECH | Calculation exceptions | Human Resources administration | |
EXCEPTV | | Modification | ECV | Calculation exceptions | Human Resources administration | |
EXOPAY | | Modification | EXO | Pay exemption | Human Resources administration | |
EXPENSESHEA | | | EXSH | Expense notes | Human Resources administration | HRNOF |
FILTDSLIS | | | FTL | N4DS file structure list | Human Resources administration | |
FILTDSMSG | | | FTM | N4DS file structure list | Human Resources administration | |
FONDS | | | FDS | Funds | Human Resources administration | |
GGRILLE | | | RIL | Entry grid | Human Resources administration | |
GRILLE | | | GRI | Entry grid | Human Resources administration | |
HISCTR | | | HISC | History | Human Resources administration | HISCT |
HISPARMVT | | | HPM | Movement history | Human Resources administration | PAR |
HISPOA | | | HIP | Prepayment history | Human Resources administration | |
HISTOCTX | | Modification | HIC | Archive context | Human Resources administration | HIC |
HISTOPAYE | | Modification | HSP | Payroll history | Human Resources administration | |
HISTOREGUL | | Modification | HRHSR | Payroll history | Human Resources administration | |
HRAEDETAIL | | | HRAED | Attachable earnings detail | Human Resources administration | KUK |
HRAEHEADER | | | HRAEH | Attachable earnings header | Human Resources administration | KUK |
HRAESUSPEND | | | HRAES | Attachable earnings suspension | Human Resources administration | KUK |
HRATTEARRAT | | | HRAER | AE deduction rate | Human Resources administration | KUK |
HRATTEARTYP | | | HRAET | Attachable earnings types | Human Resources administration | KUK |
HRDCOMMIT | | | HRDCM | Committee members | Human Resources administration | DCP |
HRDECEXO | | | HRDEXO | Exemption declaration | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HRDESCTRCOD | | | HRDTD | Contribution contract description | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDESCTRCOT | | | HRDTC | Contribution contract description | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDRECOUR | | | HRDRR | Appeal | Human Resources administration | DCP |
HRDSANCHEAD | | | HRDSNH | Sanction header | Human Resources administration | DCP |
HRDSANCTRANS | | | HRDST | Sanction transgression | Human Resources administration | DCP |
HRDSANCWITN | | | HRDSW | Sanction witness | Human Resources administration | DCP |
HRDSCFCY | | | HRCFY | DSN site declaration | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSCFCY2 | | | HRCFP | DSN site welfare | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSCFCY3 | | | HRCFV | DSN site payments | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSCFCY4 | | | HRCFH | DSN site contributions | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSCFCY5 | | | HRCFD | DSN site detail contributions | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSCFCY6 | | | HRCDF | Site contributions | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSCFCY7 | | | HRCDD | Site contribution detail | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSCFCY8 | | | HRCFC | DSN site components | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSFFCY | | | HRFFY | DSN site fiscal | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSFFCY2 | | | HRFFP | DSN site fiscal | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSFFCY3 | | | HRFFA | DSN site fiscal | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNAMT | | | HRDCV | DSN payments contract end | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNAMT1 | | | HRDCA | DSN remunerations contract end | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNAMT2 | | | HRDCD | DSN allowances contract end | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNAMT3 | | | HRDCU | DSN activities contract end | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNAMT4 | | | HRDCB | Contract end DSN gross income | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNAYD | | | HRDAD | DSN beneficiaries | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNAYD2 | | | HRDAF | DSN welfare beneficiaries | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNBNF | | | HRBNF | DSN beneficiaries | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNBNFORA | | | HRBNO | DSN welfare beneficiaries | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNCPY | | | HRDCP | DSN companies | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNCPYCNT | | | HRCCN | DSN companies - Contacts | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNCPYVLU | | | HRCPV | DSN companies | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNCTR | | | HRDCC | Contr. end DSN contract data | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMC | | | HRDMC | Monthly DSN contracts | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMC1 | | | HRDMO | Monthly DSN/former contract | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMC2 | | | HRDSS | Monthly DSN/contract susp | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMC3 | | | HRDMR | Monthly DSN welfare history | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMT | | | HRDMT | Monthly DSN contributions | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMT1 | | | HRDMJ | Monthly DSN contributions | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMT2 | | | HRDMI | Monthly DSN contributions | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMT3 | | | HRDMK | Monthly DSN contributions | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMT4 | | | HRDME | Monthly DSN contributions | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMT5 | | | HRDML | Monthly DSN contributions BS | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMV | | | HRDMV | Monthly DSN payments | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMV1 | | | HRDMS | Monthly DSN remunerations | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMV2 | | | HRDMD | Monthly DSN allowances | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMV3 | | | HRDMA | Monthly DSN activities | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMV4 | | | HRDMB | Monthly DSN gross income | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMV5 | | | HRDMF | Free shares | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMV6 | | | HRDMG | Stock options | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMV7 | | | HRDMN | BSPCE | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNDMV8 | | | HRDMP | DSN WHT adjustment | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNEMP | | | HRDMM | Monthly DSN employees | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNFCY | | | HRDFY | DSN site | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNFCY2 | | | HRDFV | DSN site welfare | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNFCY3 | | | HRDFA | DSN site former welfare data | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNFCYN | | | HRNIL | Nil DSN site | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNFEE | | | HRFEE | Beneficiaries of fees | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNFEED | | | HRFED | Fee lines | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNIND | | | HRIND | Affiliated former employee | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNINDBAS | | | HRINDB | Specific bases | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNINDRIR | | | HRINDR | WHT adjustments | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNLOG | | | HRLOG | DSN error table | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNMTH | | | HRDMH | DSN employees sick leave | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNORA | | | HRDMW | DSN welfare affiliation | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNPEN | | | HRDEP | DSN hazardous conditions | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSNWST | | | HRDWS | DSN employees sick leave | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSPDCS | | | HRDSC | DSN charge declaration | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSPPEX | | | HRDSE | DSN extraction setup | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSPPRM | | | HRDSR | DSN setup | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSPPRMCNT | | | HRDCN | DSN setup - Contacts | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRDSPPRMVLU | | | HRDSV | DSN setup | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HREFFTOT | | | HREFT | Total | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HREMPDLC | | | HREDC | Declaration | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HREQEEA2 | | | HREEA2 | EEA2 Detail | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HREQEEA4 | | | HREEA4 | EEA4 Detail | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HREQEXCLEMP | | | HREXCL | Excluded employees | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HREQUITY | | | HREQTY | Equity extract | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HRESUB | | | HRESUB | E-submission | Human Resources administration | KUK |
HRESUBREG | | | ESUBREG | E-submission registration | Human Resources administration | FUKPH |
HRETIHIS | | | HRETI | ETI History | Human Resources administration | KZA |
HRETIHISOLD | | | HRETIO | ETI History old | Human Resources administration | KZA |
HREXPENSES | | | HREXS | Cost | Human Resources administration | HRNOF |
HREXSKMETRE | | | HREXK | Mileage expenses | Human Resources administration | HRNOF |
HRFILDSN | | | HRDFS | DSN file structure | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRFILTDS | | Modification | HRFTD | DADS-U/DNA file structure | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRFRMPAY | | | HRFRM | Payment slips | Human Resources administration | |
HRGRPRUB | | | HRGRB | Grouping of headings | Human Resources administration | |
HRHONLIN | | | HRHLN | Fee lines | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRHONPRV | | | HRPRV | Service suppliers | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRINCDLC | | | HRIDC | Income declaration | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HRITAXEXT | | | HRITAX | Tax extract | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HRITAXRES | | | HRITXR | ITax extract results | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HRKENRPT | | | HRKNVAL | Temporary print key table | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HRLDETAILS | | | HRLDET | Loan details | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLGENPAY | | | HRLGPP | Generate loan installment | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLHEADER | | | HRLHEA | Loan header | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLOAADDPAY | | | HRLADP | Additional payments | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLOAAMO | | | HRLAMO | Loan (amortization) | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLOAEMPHEA | | | HRLEHEA | Pay info | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLOAEMPTOT | | | HRLETOT | Pay info | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLOARAT | | | HRLRAT | Loan standard rates | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLOARATHEA | | | HRLRATH | Loan standard rates | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLOASETHEA | | | HRLSHEA | Pay info | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLOASETTOT | | | HRLSTOT | Pay info | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLOASUSPEND | | | HRLSPD | Loan suspension setting | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLOATYP | | | HRLTYP | Loan type | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLREQAMO | | | HRLLRA | Loan request (amortization) | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLREQDET | | | HRLLRD | Loan request (details) | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLREQUEST | | | HRLLR | Loan request | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLSETTING | | | HRLSET | Loan setup | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLSETVAR | | | HRLSLV | Loan variable setup | Human Resources administration | LOA |
HRLSTPMT | | | HRLOP | Payments | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HRLVEACCRU | | | HRACCR | Leave accrual | Human Resources administration | |
HRLVEBAL | | | HRLBAL | Leave balance | Human Resources administration | GLM |
HRLVEBALDET | | | HRLBALD | Leave balance detail | Human Resources administration | GLM |
HRLVERAT | | | HRPRAT | | Human Resources administration | GLM |
HRLVEREA | | | HRLSE | Leave reason | Human Resources administration | GLM |
HRLVESUBDET | | | HRLSTD | Leave sub type | Human Resources administration | GLM |
HRLVESUBHEA | | | HRLSTH | Leave sub type | Human Resources administration | GLM |
HRMGTDSN | | | HRMDM | DSN data management | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRMISCTAB | | | HRMISC | Miscellaneous screen | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HRNUMORDDSN | | | HRDNO | DSN order number | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HROIDRPT | | | HROID | Temporary print key table | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HRPARVAREXP | | | HRPVE | Variables to configure | Human Resources administration | HRNOF |
HRPASR | | | HRPASR | WHT adjustments | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRPAYTMP | | | HRPYE | Payments to be posted | Human Resources administration | |
HRPEODET | | | HRPEOD | Extraction periods | Human Resources administration | |
HRPEOHEA | | | HRPEOH | Extraction periods | Human Resources administration | |
HRPERFORM | | | HRPERF | Performance | Human Resources administration | PERID |
HRSCRDSND | | | HRSDDT | DSN control screens - Detail | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRSCRDSNH | | | HRSDH | DSN control screens | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRSOCSECINC1 | | | HRSIA | Recording | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HRSOCSECINC2 | | | HRSIB | Recording | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HRSOCSECSET1 | | | HRSSA | Declaration | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HRSOCSECSET2 | | | HRSSB | Recording | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HRSOCSECSET3 | | | HRSSC | Recording | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HRSOCSECSETS | | | HRSSS | Recording | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HRSTADCLBEN | | | HRSDB | Beneficiary | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HRSTADCLBSP | | | HRSBP | Declaration | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HRSTADCLDOC | | | HRSDO | Doctoral student | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HRSTADCLSET | | | HRSDS | Declaration | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HRSTADCLTRA | | | HRSDT | Trainee | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HRSTADLM | | | HRSDM | Statutory exports | Human Resources administration | KMA |
HRSTRIKE | | | HRSTRK | Strike | Human Resources administration | KPO |
HRSTRIKEDAT | | | HRSTRD | Strike dates | Human Resources administration | KPO |
HRSTRIKEREV | | | HRSTRV | Claims | Human Resources administration | KPO |
HRTABDSD | | | HRDSD | DSN code correspondences | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRTABDSH | | | HRDSH | DSN code correspondences | Human Resources administration | KFR |
HRTABEXPENS | | | HRTES | Expenses codes | Human Resources administration | HRNOF |
HRTABFILBAN | | | HRTFB | Bank file definitions | Human Resources administration | |
HRTASSEDICSA | | | HRATSSA | Job center certificate | Human Resources administration | KGZA |
HRTAXCERT | | | HRTXCT | SA tax certificates | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HRTAXCERTDED | | | HRTXCTD | Deductions | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HRTAXCERTINC | | | HRTXCTI | Income received | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HRTAXCERTSUB | | | HRTXCTS | Tax withheld | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HRTAXEXT | | | HRTAX | Tax extract | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HRTAXMSG | | | HRMSG | Tax messages | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HRTAXRES | | | HRTXRES | Tax extract results | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HRTAXVAL | | | HRTXVAL | Tax extract validation | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
HRTMPDSD | | | HRTDSD | DSN code correspondences | Human Resources administration | FPAY |
HRTOTPAY | | | HRTPY | Total | Human Resources administration | KMA |
IDADDNA | | | IDN | DN-AC employee import | Human Resources administration | |
IDADDNA2 | | | ID2 | DNA import bonuses | Human Resources administration | |
IDADDNA3 | | | ID3 | DNA import monthly allowances | Human Resources administration | |
IDADDNA4 | | | ID4 | DNA import Notice | Human Resources administration | |
IDADDNA5 | | | ID5 | DNA import Allowances | Human Resources administration | |
IDADDNA6 | | | ID6 | DNA import Working hours | Human Resources administration | |
IDADDNA7 | | | ID7 | DNA import Back-pay paid | Human Resources administration | |
IDADDNA8 | | | ID8 | DNA import Entertainment | Human Resources administration | FINTM |
IDADEMP | | | IDA | Annual declaration of employee data import | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP10 | | | IDL | Annual declaration of employee data and occupation and skills forecasting | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP11 | | | IDM | DADS-U overtime import | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP12 | | | IDQ | DADS-U welfare claims import | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP121 | | | IDE | Annual declaration of employee data welfare import | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP2 | | | IDS | Annual declaration of employee data import | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP3 | | | HRIDP | Annual declaration of employee data welfare import | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP31 | | | IDF | DADS-U events welfare import | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP32 | | | IDR | DADS-U payment welfare import | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP33 | | | IDU | DADS-U complementary health insurance import | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP34 | | | IDV | DADS-U events complementary health insurance import | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP35 | | | IDW | DADS-U payment complementary health insurance import | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP4 | | | IDC | Annual declaration of employee data import | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP5 | | | IDG | DADS-U savings import | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP6 | | | IDH | Import of DADS-U shares | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP7 | | | IDI | DADS-U benefits import | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP8 | | | IDJ | DADS-U exemptions import | Human Resources administration | |
IDADEMP9 | | | IDK | DADS-U allowances import | Human Resources administration | |
INCDCL | | | INC | Income declaration | Human Resources administration | KPO |
IRP5RECONADD | | | IRPRECA | | Human Resources administration | FZAPH |
IRP5RECONRES | | | IRPREC | | Human Resources administration | FZAPH |
IRP5RECONVIS | | | IRPVIS | | Human Resources administration | FZAPH |
LEGOBGSET | | | HRLOS | Legal obligations setup | Human Resources administration | KPO |
LEGOBGSETD | | | HRLOD | Legal obligations setup | Human Resources administration | KPO |
LIVREPAYE | | | LPA | Payroll journals | Human Resources administration | |
MALADIE | | Modification | MAL | Sickness certificate/Maternity | Human Resources administration | |
MDL10 | | | M10H | Model 10 | Human Resources administration | KPO |
MDL10D | | | M10D | Model 10 | Human Resources administration | KPO |
MDL30 | | | M30H | Model 30 | Human Resources administration | KPO |
MDL30D | | | M30D | Model 30 | Human Resources administration | KPO |
MSCALR | | | MSC | Headings to be calculated | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSENTEML | | | MHE | TP employee arrival hypothesis | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSFLDATM | | | HRMFA | Field initialized for RTP | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSGGRIL | | | MRI | TP entry grids | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSGRIL | | | MGR | TP entry grids | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSHISTO | | | MHS | TP history | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSHYPENP | | | MHP | Hypothesis of non-permanent elts | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSHYPRUB | | | MHR | Heading hypothesis | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSHYPTXAT | | | MHT | WI rate hypothesis | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSHYPVAD | | | MHD | Variable hypotheses | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSHYPVAH | | | MHV | Variable hypotheses | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSHYPVAL | | | MHL | Variable hypotheses | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSLIVREPAY | | | LPM | Total payroll journals | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSLRUB | | | MLR | List of TP headings | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSMODCTR | | | MHC | Contract modification hypotheses | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSRUB | | | MSR | TP headings | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSSCENAH | | | MCH | Scenario | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSSCENAL | | | MCL | Scenario | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSVALEUR | | | MHA | Variable value history TP | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MSXITEML | | | MHX | TP employee departure hypothesis | Human Resources administration | MAS |
MTHTAXDCL | | | MTDH | Monthly PAYE declaration | Human Resources administration | KPO |
MTHTAXDCLD | | | MTDD | Monthly PAYE declaration | Human Resources administration | KPO |
N4DSTABD | | | N4D | N4DS code correspondences | Human Resources administration | |
N4DSTABH | | | N4H | N4DS code correspondences | Human Resources administration | |
NAMETXTEMP | | | ETX | Namibia monthly employees TAX | Human Resources administration | KNA |
NATACTIV | | | NAT | Natures of activity | Human Resources administration | |
PARCOL | | | PAC | Collective DPS scheme | Human Resources administration | |
PARIND | | | PAI | Individual distribution | Human Resources administration | |
PARVAR | | | PVR | Variables to configure | Human Resources administration | |
PARVARAEM | | | PVA | Variables to configure | Human Resources administration | FINTM |
PARVARIND | | | PVI | Variables to configure | Human Resources administration | PAR |
PATCHPDP | | | HRPPP | Payment plan patches follow-up | Human Resources administration | |
PATCHPDPOBJ | | | PPO | Payment plan patches follow-up | Human Resources administration | |
PIHRMEMPSET | | | PIES | Employee | Human Resources administration | PAPI |
PIHRMFAIR | | | PIFA | People integration | Human Resources administration | PAPI |
PIHRMFAIRCFG | | | PICF | People integration | Human Resources administration | PAPI |
PIHRMFAIRERR | | | PHFE | Error | Human Resources administration | PAPI |
PIHRMFAIRSET | | | PIFS | People integration | Human Resources administration | PAPI |
PLANEMP | | | PLE | Employee plannings | Human Resources administration | |
PLANTYP | | | PLN | Reference plannings | Human Resources administration | |
PPREQUESTD | | | HRPPD | Prepaid - Requests | Human Resources administration | |
PPREQUESTH | | | HRPPH | Prepaid - Requests | Human Resources administration | |
PPVRALISD | | | HRPVD | Prepay - List of Variables | Human Resources administration | |
PPVRALISH | | | PVH | Prepay - List of Variables | Human Resources administration | |
PRMDUCS | | | DUC | Extraction parameterization | Human Resources administration | |
PRMTDS0 | | Modification | TD0 | Extraction parameterization | Human Resources administration | |
PRMTDS1 | | Modification | TD1 | Extraction parameterization | Human Resources administration | KFR |
PRVCLOB | | | HRPCB | Provisional slip texts | Human Resources administration | |
REGUL | | Modification | RGL | Adjustments | Human Resources administration | |
REPART | | | HRREP | Distribution methods | Human Resources administration | |
REPCUMTDS | | Modification | RCT | Recovery of Dads-U totals | Human Resources administration | KFR |
REPORTMPOR | | | RMPOR | Temporary print key table | Human Resources administration | KPOAO |
RETRO | | | RET | Back-pay file | Human Resources administration | |
RETROCAL | | | REC | Back-pay - calculations | Human Resources administration | |
RETRORUB | | | RER | Back-pay - Items | Human Resources administration | |
RETROSAL | | | RES | Back-pay - Employees | Human Resources administration | |
RETROVAL | | | RVL | Back-pay - Variables | Human Resources administration | |
RETROVRA | | | REV | Back-pay - Variables | Human Resources administration | |
RSSCPC | | | RCPC | Skills | Human Resources administration | |
RSSCPCH | | | RCPH | Skills | Human Resources administration | |
RSSCPCL | | | RCPCL | Skills | Human Resources administration | |
RSSMNG | | | RSSM | Resource | Human Resources administration | |
RSSMNGHR | | | RSSMH | Resource | Human Resources administration | |
RSSMNGPIC | | | RSSP | Resource | Human Resources administration | |
RSSMNGTYP | | | RSST | Resource | Human Resources administration | |
RSSQLF | | | RQLF | Qualification | Human Resources administration | |
RSSQLFL | | | RQLFL | Qualification | Human Resources administration | |
RUBGAC | | | RGA | Accounts on headings | Human Resources administration | |
RUBHIS | | | RUH | Heading | Human Resources administration | MAS |
RUBRIQUE | | Modification | RUB | Heading | Human Resources administration | |
SCRMHCD | | | SCD | Modif hypothesis transaction | Human Resources administration | MAS |
SCRMHCH | | | HRSCH | Modif hypothesis transaction | Human Resources administration | MAS |
SCRMHED | | | SED | Arrival hypothesis transaction | Human Resources administration | MAS |
SCRMHEH | | | SEH | Arrival hypothesis transaction | Human Resources administration | MAS |
SCRMHXD | | | SXD | Departure hypothesis transaction | Human Resources administration | MAS |
SCRMHXH | | | SXH | Departure hypothesis transaction | Human Resources administration | MAS |
SCRTPSD | | | STD | Entry transactions | Human Resources administration | |
SCRTPSH | | | STH | Entry transactions | Human Resources administration | |
SCRVRA | | Modification | SVR | Variable entry screens | Human Resources administration | |
SMPKIT | | | KIT | SMP Keep in touch | Human Resources administration | FUKPH |
SOLDPAY | | | HRSDP | Payment balance | Human Resources administration | |
SSCNSSDCL | | | HRPSSC | Social security/Insurance | Human Resources administration | KPO |
SSCNSSDCLD | | | SSD | Social security/Insurance | Human Resources administration | KPO |
SSCNSSFIL | | | SSCF | Social security/Insurance | Human Resources administration | KPO |
STLPAY | | | HRSTL | Payments | Human Resources administration | |
TABAT | | | HRTAT | WI/Occupational disease certificate | Human Resources administration | HRTAT |
TASSEDIC | | | HRATS | Job center certificate | Human Resources administration | |
TASSEDIC2 | | | HRAT2 | Job center certificate | Human Resources administration | |
TASSEDIC3 | | Modification | HRAT3 | Job center certificate | Human Resources administration | |
TIKRESHEA | | | TRH | Tickets restaurant | Human Resources administration | FTRH |
TIKRESLIG | | Modification | TRL | Tickets restaurant | Human Resources administration | FTRH |
TIMANA | | | TIA | Analytical time | Human Resources administration | |
TIMEMP | | | TIP | Tracked times | Human Resources administration | |
TIMEMPDAT | | | TID | Time summary | Human Resources administration | |
TIMRECAP | | | TIR | Time summary | Human Resources administration | FHRPA |
TIMREGUL | | | TIG | Time adjustment | Human Resources administration | |
TMPAED | | | HRFTMA | AED print temporary table | Human Resources administration | KFR |
TMPDCH1 | | Modification | TM1 | Temporary tables (charges) | Human Resources administration | |
TMPDCH2 | | Modification | TM2 | Temporary tables (charges) | Human Resources administration | |
TMPDUCS | | | TDU | DUCS | Human Resources administration | |
TMPDUCSEFF | | | HRTDE | DUCS | Human Resources administration | |
TMPHISTO | | | TMP | Payroll history | Human Resources administration | |
TMPHSR | | Modification | THR | Payroll history | Human Resources administration | |
TMPLIVRE | | | HRTML | Payroll journals | Human Resources administration | |
TMPLIVRESTD | | | HRTMD | Payroll journals | Human Resources administration | |
TMPMSLIVRE | | | TMM | Total payroll journals | Human Resources administration | |
TMPORA | | | HRTPA | Membership | Human Resources administration | FPAY |
TRVACC | | Modification | WAC | WA rate | Human Resources administration | |
TRVACCRAT | | Modification | WAR | WA rate | Human Resources administration | |
TYPWEEK | | | WTY | Reference weeks | Human Resources administration | |
UKSMPLVE | | | SMPLVE | SMP leave | Human Resources administration | FUKPH |
UKSPPLVE | | | SPPLVE | SPP leave | Human Resources administration | FUKPH |
UKSSPLVE | | | SSPLVE | SSP Leave | Human Resources administration | FUKPH |
USRLEGSOA | | | USLS | Legislation | Human Resources administration | |
VALANA | | | VAN | Analytical values | Human Resources administration | |
VALCPY | | | VCP | Company values | Human Resources administration | |
VALEMP | | Modification | VEP | Employee values | Human Resources administration | |
VALEUR | | Modification | VLA | Values | Human Resources administration | |
VALFCY | | | VFC | Site values | Human Resources administration | |
VALFDR | | | VFD | Legislation values | Human Resources administration | |
VALPRV | | | VPR | Provisional values | Human Resources administration | |
VALPRVH | | | VPH | Provisional values | Human Resources administration | |
VARIA | | Modification | VRA | Variables | Human Resources administration | |
VARTEXT | | | VTX | Text of the slip lines | Human Resources administration | |