Data types
> Data types Module Common Data
Data types Module Common Data
BAN (Bank accounts)
BANESS (Bank accounts)
BCC (Budget dimension)
BCG (Customer categories)
BCN (Budget account)
BDO (Waste DB no.)
BOL (Bill of lading)
BPC (Customer number)
BPD (Ship-to)
BPF (Owner)
BPN (BP number)
BPR (BP number)
BPS (Supplier number)
BPT (Carrier number)
BSG (Supplier categories)
BUP (Budget code)
CAB (Simple calculation tables)
CAC (Accounting codes)
CAD (Address line (long))
CAEC (CAE code)
CAI (Petty cash)
CAT (EDI category)
CC1 (Analytical dimension)
CC2 (Analytical dimension)
CC3 (Analytical dimension)
CC4 (Analytical dimension)
CC5 (Analytical dimension)
CC6 (Analytical dimension)
CC7 (Analytical dimension)
CC8 (Analytical dimension)
CC9 (Analytical dimension)
CCC (Competitor products)
CCE (Analytical dimension)
CCMACT (Actions)
CCMAUSAP (Approvers)
CCMAUSCM (Change managers)
CCMAUSPL (Planners)
CCMCRIA (Impact analysis)
CCMCRID (Change request ID)
CCMECS (Major version statuses)
CCMEVL (Minor versions)
CCMPLAN (Change request - Plan)
CCR (Sales rep commission coeff)
CCS (Entertainment fund certificate)
CCV (Collective agreement classification)
CDA (Payment attributes)
CDE (Default dimensions)
CDT (Dimension types)
CFG (Configurator scenario)
CFM (Standard processes)
CFY (Site or group of sites)
CGD (Grading guides)
CLA (Account classification)
CLC (Chrono clob)
CLE (Text clob (screen))
CLS (Product category)
CLT (Type clob)
CLX (Text clob (table))
CMG (Marketing campaigns)
CMT (Time comment)
CNA (Analytical nature)
COA (Chart of accounts)
COE2 (Coefficient >1)
CON (Service contract)
COR (Outlook contact )
COT (Service contract template)
COV (Coverage)
CPC (Skill)
CPYAD (Company address lines)
CPYESS (Company)
CQU (Configurator question)
CSE (Configurator selection)
CSVATMAP (Online submission mapping)
CTA (Project task category)
CTC (Alphanumeric response code)
CTD (Numeric response code)
CTN (Containers)
CTR (Identifier 2)
CUCA (Cars / fuel benefits)
CURESS (Currency)
CYM (Dimension pyramids)
CYR (Dimension groups)
D4 (Date with 4 number year)
D40 (Long description)
DAD (Dimension allocations)
DCO (Long description)
DCT (Long description)
DDB (Start date)
DDF (End date)
DEP (Warehouse)
DIC (Employee field)
DIE (Dimension types)
DIH (Time table schemas)
DMWPPNUM (Internal reference)
DMWPPVER (Version)
DMWSC (Waste disposal scheme)
DOC (Manual document)
DSP (Analytical allocations)
DTP (Budget weighting codes)
DTR (Contract date)
DVT (Voting rights)
ECS (Major version statuses)
EDC (Code)
EDR (Version)
EFC (Code)
EFN (Function code)
EFR (Version)
EML (Employee ID)
EMP (Location)
EPH (Path)
EPR (EDI partners)
ESH (Representation)
ESH1 (Representation)
EVA (Field)
EVB (Alias)
EVL (Minor versions)
EXD (XSD files)
EXO (Exemptions)
EYEAR (Year)
FCA (Fixed asset categories)
FCC (Freight commodity code)
FCS (Costs)
FCT (Factor)
FDS (Funds)
FEL (List of EDI values )
FJH (Business process)
FLY (Warranty voucher)
FNA (First name)
FOC (Formula code)
FOG (Memos)
FRM (Remittances)
FRT (Freight class)
GAC (General accounts)
GAF (Recurring entry)
GAN (General accounts)
GAS (Accounting entries )
GAU (Automatic journals)
GCM (Account core model)
GCO (Accounting code transaction)
GCU (Currency group)
GDA (Account structure)
GDE (Journal structure)
GDS (Open item screens)
GFSATT (Attribute)
GFSATTV (Attribute value)
GFSOPT (Optimization code)
GOM (Google Maps)
GRA (Automatic journal groups)
GRY (Account groups)
GSC (Control groups)
GSP (Distribution groups)
GSTGRP (GST group)
GTE (Document types)
GTR ()
GYM (Account pyramids)
HD1 (Service request text file)
HD2 (Action text file)
HD3 (Solution text file)
HD4 (Commerl report text file)
HD5 (Marketing text file)
HD6 (CRM mini text files)
HD9 (Text history)
HMD (Time)
HMM (Time hh:mm)
HRBAN (Bank accounts)
HRCAN (Action category)
HRCGD (Reason)
HRCLC (Clause code)
HRCLV (Collective agreement)
HRCSP (Socio-professional category)
HRCTR (Employment contract)
HREQGOA (Equity numerical goals)
HREXT (Extract template)
HRHAB (Habilitation code)
HRLIC (Permits and authorizations)
HRLST (Leave sub type)
HRMDP (Ability)
HRMDT (Visit type)
HRNCT (Nature of contract)
HROCP (Profession code)
HRPFL (Professional cat.)
HRPIH (Individual hazard. cond. record)
HRRPL (Replacement reason)
HRSIC (SIC code)
HRSIT (Site)
HRSOFO1 (OFO code)
HRSSS (Social security setup)
HRSUS (System)
HRTCC (Trade classification)
HRXGD (Disposal reason)
HSH (SHI sheet record)
ICT (Incoterms)
ICV (Version counter)
ICVVAL (Version value)
IDB (Identifier)
INDREF (Indirect references)
INO (Customs reference)
INVCND (Invoicing terms)
ISEQ (Sequence in collections)
ISORT (Sort in collections)
ITF (Product-site)
ITG (Product category)
ITM (Product reference)
ITN (Service response)
ITS (Sales product)
ITU (Customer product)
ITV (Sales product)
JOB (Job code)
JOT (Standard jobs)
JOU (Journal codes)
LED (Ledger)
LOC (Location)
LOO (Lot)
LOS (Lot)
LOT (Lot)
LTI (Lead time )
MAC (Installed base)
MAT (Tolerance)
MATESS (Employee ID)
MC1 (Amounts in currency)
MC2 (Amounts in currency)
MC3 (Amounts in currency)
MC4 (Amounts in currency)
MC5 (Amounts in currency)
MD6 (Unit price)
MD7 (Average price)
MD8 (Price in currency)
MDD3 (Amount in currency (0 visible))
MDL (Delivery mode)
MDT (Mandates)
MEA (Monthly employer certificate)
MEW (Occupational health)
MFG (Work order )
MGL (Enterprise planning)
MGTW (Waste management)
MIGX (Migration ref. no.)
MIGXTBLM (Migration table map ref)
MIS (Role)
MS1 (Amount (site))
MS2 (Short amount)
MS3 (Currency amt without separator)
MS4 (Special amount in currencies)
MS5 (Price (decimal GDECPRI))
MS6 (Price (decimal GDECPRI))
MST (Market sectors)
MTD (Work plan transaction)
MTO (MTO network)
N3 (Numeric LASER print)
NAC (Full name)
NAT (Planning date)
NCSID (Non-conformance ID)
NDY (Number of days/hours)
NIC (NI category)
NICD (NI category)
NIN (NI number)
NIV (Skill level)
NTG (Note category)
NVG (Navigation code)
ONA (Overhead category)
OPE (Operation number)
OPP (Project)
ORF (Training organizations)
ORG (Organizations)
ORIC (Transaction source)
OVE (Overhead codes)
PAL (Stock identifier 1 management )
PAUS (User)
PAY (Payments)
PBDBPG (Economic reason/BP groups)
PBDECO (Economic reason code)
PBL (Problem group)
PBU (Project budget)
PCB (Site)
PCD (Payment attributes)
PCK (Packaging)
PCN (Package no.)
PDB (Points debit)
PFI (Invoicing elements)
PGT (Document types)
PIH (Entry number )
PIM (Project allocation line)
PIMQRY (Project allocation line)
PIPWD (People integration)
PIT (Pivot)
PJCC (Cost type)
PJMQRY (Project)
PJO (Journal codes)
PJQ (Financial overview queries)
PJS (Financial overview structure)
PJT (Project)
PJTC (Time category)
PJTSI (Project scheduled invoice)
PLANACT (Actions)
PLANID (Non-conformance plan)
PLI (Price list code)
PLM (PLM product references)
PLN (Planning)
PNH (Return number)
PO2 (Postal code)
POC (Contract number)
POH (Order number)
POO (Banking pool)
POP (Employee populations)
POT (Position)
PPC (Supplier price list code)
PPR (Purchase price reasons)
PPU (Purchase unit price criteria)
PPX (Purchase price criteria)
PQH (RFQ number)
PREPI (Prepayment invoice)
PRF (Employee profile)
PRS (Price structure)
PRV (Service supplier)
PSH (PR number)
PSO (Project document list)
PTC (Protocol)
PTE (Payment term)
PTE2 (Payment term)
PTH (Receipt number)
PTO (Assignment rules)
PTP (Payment transaction)
PTR (Purchase entry transactions)
PTX (Purchase entry transactions)
PYL (Entry batch)
QLC (Technical sheet)
QLT (Technical sheet)
QSS (Script question)
QST (Question)
QT1 (Quantities)
QT2 (Quantities)
QT3 (Quantities)
QT4 (Quantities)
QT5 (Quantities)
QTY2 (Quantity including zero)
QUE (Queue)
RAT (Rate)
REF (Reference)
REGLIC (Registration)
REL (Statement creation)
REM (Discount)
REO (Reorder plan list number)
REP (Sales rep no.)
RFI (Invoice element rate)
RND (Rounding code)
ROH (Routings - header)
ROT (Standard operation)
RPO (Reorder policy)
RQW (Warranty requests)
RRB (CODA headings)
RRS (Resource reservation)
RSE (Resources)
RSS (Resources)
RSY (Safety risk sentences)
RTZ (Withholding code)
SAC (Control)
SBX (Location/booth configuration)
SCA (Level scale)
SCANIV (Skill level)
SCO (Subcontract order)
SCP (Call script)
SDD (SDD management)
SDH (Delivery)
SE1 (Long serial number)
SEB (Payment gateway customer data)
SEP (Processing code)
SER (Serial number)
SES (Trend profile)
SFI (Invoicing elements)
SFTMA (Employee ID)
SHFT (Shift code)
SHIP (Shipment number)
SIF (Price increase code)
SIH (Invoices)
SLO (Sublot)
SMH (Employee screens)
SMI (Integrale part number)
SNP (Financial snapshots)
SNPD (Financial snapshot detail)
SOH (Orders)
SOL (Solution)
SOR (Open orders)
SPC (Customer price list code)
SPP (Sales price catalog)
SPR (Sales price list reasons)
SPU (Sales unit price criteria)
SPX (Sales price criteria)
SQH (Quotes)
SRE (Service request)
SRG (Storage list number)
SRH (Returns)
SRV (Department)
SSE (Social Security)
SSE2 (Social Security)
SSP (Selection supports)
STA (Stock status)
STC (Customer statistical group)
STI (Product statistical group)
STQ (Analysis number)
STS (Supplier statistical group)
STX (Weighing location)
STY (Reference week)
SWIBIC (Invoices)
SYM (Configurator symbol)
TAC (Project task)
TAD (Daylight saving time)
TAM (Payment method)
TAM2 (Payment method)
TAU (Safe X3 WAS users)
TBG (BOM codes)
TBO (BOM codes)
TBU (Budget transactions)
TCM (Valuation method)
TCT (Response table)
TCTR (Container)
TCY (Alphanumeric type)
TDA (Early discount/Late charge)
TEC (Transaction nature)
TED (Payment report code)
TELTC (Telephone)
TEM (Location types)
TFB (Bank file definitions)
TGL (Targets)
TGP (Presentation support)
TIC (Cumulated time)
TIH (Time in hours)
TIM (Time in minutes)
TIMRPT (Time entry report)
TIT (WAS item)
TLO (Location types)
TLP (Product lines)
TMA (Employee ID)
TPC (Location type)
TPM (Print templates)
TPN (Purchase return type)
TPS (Time code)
TPSESS (Time code)
TPV (Purchase invoice types)
TPVB (Purchase invoice types)
TPY (Payment transactions)
TRACKT (Logistical tracking template)
TRO (Routing codes)
TRS (Entry transactions)
TRU (Allocation rules)
TSA (Service level safety stock)
TSC (Statistical rule)
TSD (Sales delivery type)
TSG (Stock change type)
TSO (Sales order type)
TSO2 (Sales order type)
TSQ (Quote type)
TSQ2 (Quote type)
TST (Stock statuses)
TSV (Sales invoice type)
TTN (Transport note type)
TTR (Change to daylight saving time)
TUL ()
TVB (BP tax rule)
TVBW (Tax rules)
TVI (Tax level)
TVTW (Taxes)
TWD (Weekly structure)
TXC (Access path to text file)
TXS (Financial data extraction)
TXV (Fin. data extraction version )
TYC (Communication types)
TZI (Time zones)
UCY (City)
UGD (User guides)
UNNBR (UN number)
UNQ (Unique number)
UVY (Unavailable periods)
VAC (Work-related accident)
VAT (Tax)
VATGRP (VAT entity)
VCS (VCS number)
VL0 (Variable value)
VOL (Volume)
VPJ (Long product number)
VPJBIG (Long product number)
WCR (Work center group)
WCT (Costing dimension)
WEI (Weight)
WRH (Warehouse)
WST (Work center)