Local menus > Module Manufacturing > Local menu 2324 

Local menuTitleLengthMiniMaxiActivity code
2324Weighing station messages000 

1Valve already processed
2Minimum range > or = maximum range
3Maximum tare > Maximum range
4Element already present
5Container type <> SHI sheet file packaging
6Sentence does not exist or is incorrect
9Box Procedure
12Weighing history
13Reconciliation not allowed
14Being reconciled
15Being weighed
16Element does not exist
17Some materials are not weighed
18Reconciliation stopped for the phase. Yes = Validate No = Delete
19Several entries with the same lot = weight mandatory
20Deletion of all the reconciliations of the phase?
21Reconciliation of the phase not completed: Deleting the reconciliations of the phase
22Reconciliation completed for the phase
23Nonexistent tracking transaction (parameter WEITRSNUM)
24Nonexistent tracking counter
25in weighing process message
26Order number already reconciled
27Phase already reconciled
28A material is short and prevents inclusion in the weighing plan
29Cancellation without return
30Cancellation with return
31Confirmation of 1 cancellation line:
32WO closed: weighing cancellation not allowed
33Weighing already canceled
34Incompatibility between packaging and weighing mode
35Re-open the line
36End of container
37Return this WO in the weighing plan?
38Reactivation of the WO in the weighing plan correctly done
39Some excluded materials exist for this OF. Continue?
41Code in use is prohibited at this phase:
42Weighing selection
43Weighing number aleady exists on the line
44Unable to commit
45Order number already committed
46Phase already committed
47Commitment completed for the phase
48Commitment not completed for the phase: Deletion of the commitments for the phase
49Delete all the commitments for the phase?
50Commitment completed for the phase. Yes = Validate No = Delete
51Under commitment
52Number of materials that remain to be reconciled
53Number of materials that remain to be committed
54Work order not reconciled
55Operation selection
56Product selection
57The Entry box is linked with a workstation. The launch from the current station is not authorized
58One or several material(s) are not reconciled
59You need to update your application client to use this functionality
60Number of weighings
61greater than the grid size
62Cannot modify. Work order being weighed
63Material already reconciled. Unable to cancel
64Material already committed. Unable to cancel
65Cancellation completed
66Number of weighings still to be entered:
67Proceed with the cancellation? Yes = Proceed No = Stop
68Cancellation stopped
69Unable to cancel: the cancellation minimum level is the phase.\The value of parameter ENGAGE has to
70WO not committed, no cancellation to be processed
71Phase not committed, no cancellation to be processed
72Resynchronization of flag 'Weighing plan'
73Work order update
74Process start control completed for the weighing
75Process start control completed for the weighing. Yes = Validate No = Delete
76Weighing process start control not completed: Deletion of the weighing process start control
77Process start control per weighing: processing of one weighing at a time
78Reactivation complete
79Reconciliation completed for the container
80Container already reconciled
81Reconciliation completed for the work order
82Reconciliation stopped for the work order. Yes = Validate No = Delete
83Reconciliation stopped for the container. Yes = Validate No = Delete
84Delete all reconciliations for the phase?
85Delete all reconciliations for the container?
86Delete all reconciliations for the work order?
87Reconciliations did not complete: Deleting reconciliations
88Container already committed
89Weighing number already processed
90Weigh no.
91Weighing operator
92Unable to uncheck. BOM record already exists for this master container.
93Unable to uncheck. WO record already exists for this master container.