Local menus > Module Common Data > Local menu 11738 

Local menuTitleLengthMiniMaxiActivity code
11738Middle East messages500KMIEA

1Company share + local sponsor must not exceed 100%
2At least one permit type must be entered
3Second name
4Family name
5Birth country code
6Birth country
7Company permitted visa exceeded
8Authorization and permits\Permit number and date must be entered
9Expiration date must be greater than the issue date
10Passport details mandatory for a foreign worker
11Contract period may not exceed 4 years on a limited contract
12Contract date cannot be later than the trial end date
13Employee may not be younger than 15 years old
14Employee may not be older than 65 years old
15Juvenile\Guardian details must be entered
16Permit\Permit required for juvenile employee
17Trial period may not exceed 6 months
18Duplicate PO box number found\Number already exists for company
19Address line 3
20Contact details
21Employee code
22GOSI fund
23Premises type
24Employee agent ID
25Payment frequency
26Original joining date
27Termination reason
28Company Agent ID
29Establishment ID
30Please remember to generate a payslip for the period
31Kingdom of Saudi Arabia legal data
32DADSU Social Security scheme