Table > Module Financials > Table Spanish form 111 

TableAbbreviationDescriptionModuleActivity code
SPAMOD111SPM111Spanish form 111FinancialsKSP

KeyDescriptionDuplicatesActivity code

ColumnNormal titleDim.TypeLengthMenuLink expressionCancellationAct
ADEDUCIRTo be deducted DCB10.2    
AUUIDSingle identifier AUUID     
CODELECTDigital code A16    
COMPJUSTPrevious supporting document A13    
CPYCompany CPY  [CPY]CPY0=[SPM111]CPYDelete 
CUENINGBank account A10    
DECLNEGNegative declaration M41   
DIADay A2    
DIGCOINGCheck digit A2    
ENTINGEntity A4    
FIYFiscal year A4    
FORMPAGPayment method M152111   
IBANIBAN code A4    
IMP11Cash amount from prof. activity DCB10.2    
IMP12In-kind amount from prof. activity DCB10.2    
IMP21Cash amount from business activity DCB10.2    
IMP22In-kind amount from business activity DCB10.2    
IMP31Winnings amount in cash DCB10.2    
IMP32Winnings amount in kind DCB10.2    
IMP41Cash amount from capital gains DCB10.2    
IMP42In-kind amount from capital gains DCB10.2    
IMP51Fee amount from image rights DCB10.2    
IMPINGRevenue amount DCB10.2    
LOCALIDACity A16    
MESMonth A10    
MODELForm A3    
NIFCompany tax ID no. A9    
NUM11Recipients of prof. act. in cash C4    
NUM12Recipients of prof. act. in kind C4    
NUM21Recipients of business act. in cash C4    
NUM22Recipients of bus. act. in kind C4    
NUM31Recipients of winnings in cash C4    
NUM32Recipients of winnings in kind C4    
NUM41Recipients of capital gains in cash C4    
NUM42Recipients of capital gains in kind C4    
NUM51Recipients of image rights fees C4    
NUMDECLDeclaration number C4    
PERPeriod A2    
RAZSOCCompany name A30    
RESULResult DCB10.2    
RESULDECAmount to be deposited DCB10.2    
RET11Withholding from prof. act. in cash DCB10.2    
RET12Withholding from prof act. in kind DCB10.2    
RET21Withholding from bus. act. in cash DCB10.2    
RET22Withholding from bus. act. in kind DCB10.2    
RET31Withholding from winnings in cash DCB10.2    
RET32Withholding from winnings in kind DCB10.2    
RET41Wht. from capital gains in cash DCB10.2    
RET42Wht. from capital gains in kind DCB10.2    
RET51Withholding from image rights fees DCB10.2    
SUCURINGBranch A4    
TIPDECDeclaration type ADI  [ADI]CODE=318;TIPDECBlock 
YEARDECDeclaration year A4