This action is only called once. The tables declared in OBJect management are already open.
Simple, Grid, Combined
It essentially serves to make the declarations of the resources required and the initialisations, for example:
to declare the global or local variables with the syntaxes of the type
Local Integer MA_VARIABLE
Global Char POUR_TOUS(100)
to assign the global variables
to open the tables with instructions of the type
If clalev ([F :XXX]) = 0 : Local File XXXXX : Endif
to interrupt the process by setting OK=0 and potentially assigning a message to GMESSAGE.
to test the value of the current key on entry (either the last read key or the key imposed by a tunnel) and potentially to change its value. The components for this key are stored in the character string grid CLE2.
Warning ! If a table is opened outside of this action and outside of the OBJect, it signifies that there is a requirement for this table from time to time. It is then necessary to close it once the requirement is finished. In fact, the opening a table after the OUVRE action, will modify the default table (principal table of the OBJect). It is therefore necessary to reclose the table or to re-declare the default table, before completing the supervisor process.