This action is called when a menu has been activated, after the execution of a process linked to this menu.
Warning !
This action is called for the execution of the button, when the action associated with the button is the action STD (of SPE for specific/custom). This is possible, if there is no opening of the window in the process associated with the button.
The variable BOUT gives the code of the activated button.
Simple, Grid, Combined
It is used to execute a process after the dictionary action : example, when by means of this button, a tunnel is carried out on the OBJect with restriction, GCONSULT will be set to 0.
When the action associated with this menu is the action STD (or SPE for specific/custom), the execution of the menu is not carried out for an action in the dictionary by this STATUT action.
It is used to load the global variables for the workflow triggered by a button or menu