Actions (Report)

General Contents - Templates - Archiving


the actions

For the archiving (process for each main table)
OUVREAt the beginning of the process
FILTREBefore the execution of the archiving
HISTOfor each record archived in the main table
FERMEAt the end of the process
For the purging(process for each main table)
OUVREAt the beginning of the process
FILTREBefore executing the purge
EPUREfor each record purged in the main table
FERMEAt the end of the process


the variables

APPLICurrent folder
HISAPLArchived folder
TMPFlag (0/1) waiting message (by default: 1)
TRAFlag (0/1/9) log generation (by default: 1)
HISTOFlag (0/1) requested archiving
1 - archiving phase under progress (if archiving has been requested)
0 - purging phase under progress
SIMULFlag (0/1) simulation
OKHISFlag (0/1) archiving ok (upon recording the main table)
OKEPUFlag (0/1) purging ok (upon recording the main table)
TRACEDETFlag (0/1) detailed log
TABLEMmain table under process
TEMPSFiling time on main table (in number of days)
SOCIETECompany entered upon starting
SITESites deduced from the company
FILTSUPFilter applied to the main table under process
MAXDELnumber of records deleted by transaction (by default: 1000)
NPDELnumber of records deleted by main table
NBLNKnumber of records deleted by linked table
NRDELnumber of records deleted by main table + linked tables
NBRESnumber of remaining records by main table
TOTHIStotal number of archived records
TOTDELtotal number of purged records


The tables

[F1]Main table
[L1]...[L20]20 Linked tables
[F2]Archived table
[H1]...[H20]20 Archived linked tables