Activity code > Module Sales > Activity Code CDV (Full delivery validation) 

This activity code is activated by default. It is used to indicate that the validation of a delivery applies to all the lines of this delivery. The stock update is done once all delivery lines have been processed when the delivery validation is complete.
Therefore at the end of the validation processing, the delivery status is either set to ‘Validated’ or ‘Not validated’.

The CDV - Full delivery validation activity code is dependent on the VDP - Delivery validation by line activity code, they are mutually exclusive:

  • When the CDV activity code is enabled, the VDP activity code is automatically disabled.
  • When the CDV activity code is disabled, the PDV activity code is automatically enabled: the delivery validation is performed line by line and the stock update is done on each validated delivery line.
    As a result, at the end of the processing the delivery status is set to ‘Partially validated’ if an error occurs on one or several delivery lines.

    The partial validation of deliveries is meant to:
      • Improve performances during the validation processing,
      • Limit conflicts when accessing the STOCK (Stocks), ITMMVT (Product-site totals) and STOLOTFCY (Lots-sites) tables.

When deliveries are partially validated, you can:

  • Mass validate partially validated deliveries using the Partially validated deliveries function; This function can be accessed from the Sales > Deliveries menu.
  • Validate the partially validated deliveries one by one from the Deliveries function.

Functions impacted

The following functions are impacted by the activity code  :

 Sales > Deliveries > Deliveries

 Setup > Sales > Entry transactions > Deliveries

Linked activity codes

The following technical activity codes are linked to the code CDV.These codes are never entered in folder management, because their value is calculated.

 PDV (Delivery validation by line).