Activity code > Module Common Data > Activity Code INVCA (Cancellation invoice) 

This activity code will enable an additional functionality on the sales document types which is the possibility of canceling an invoice.
This document type is similar to credit notes and credit memos but with some differences such as:

  • An invoice cancellation reverses only one invoice;
  • The entire invoice must be reversed: we cannot cancel partially one invoice.
  • The automatic journal used is the one from the original document but with reverse sense;
  • The original invoice is always matched with this new document;
  • For “POR” legislation this “credit note” type will never be sent to SAFT and the linked invoice will be marked as Canceled and communicated with this status.

For this functionality to be available, it is also necessary:

  • for the parameter INVCAN - Cancellation invoice to have the value 'Yes' for the legislation of the company,
  • that in customer invoice entry, the type of invoice used be of the Category:'Credit memo', and the flag Cancellation invoice must be checked.