Activity code > Module Sales > Activity Code SPL (Number of sales price record lines) 

This activity code is used to define the maximum number of sales price list lines.

Recommended values

The recommended value depends on the manner in which the records are structured (one record per product, per supplier, per currency?). Remembering that the the splitting into records has no structural impact (it is possible to segment the price lists over several records), an average value of 100 lines per record is possible.

In addition, when the sizing of the tables question is set at the time of creating the live folder, the parameters linked to the average size of the customer price list lines must be entered. these are the PRIBPC (total number of records ) and PRIBPCLINE (total number of lines) parameters. The PRIBPCLINE/PRIBPC ratio must be less than the value of the SPL activity code.


This activity code has no structural impact on the database; it is simply used to size the entry and enquiry screens in the sales price lists.