Activity code > Module Common Data > Activity Code SVC (Periodic accruals) 

This activity code is used to enable Accruals management functionality. This functionality is used to post for a given date the charges or revenue for a given period.

The Accruals management screen opens when you select Periodic accruals from the Action icon menu on a line in Customer BP invoices, Supplier BP invoices, purchase Invoices and sales Invoices.

Parameters concerned

The following parameters cannot be used unless the activity code is activated


 GAUCCA (defined at level Company) : Expense accruals journal

 GAUPCA (defined at level Company) : Revenue accruals journal

 SVCCLOPER (defined at level Company) : Period closing accruals ctrl.

 TYPGNRSVC (defined at level Company) : Accrual generation type

 VCRTYPSVC (defined at level Site) : Accruals entry type

Common Data

 GAUKIK1 (defined at level Folder) : Revenue accruals customer inv.

 GAUKIK2 (defined at level Folder) : Expense accruals supplier inv.

 GAUKIK3 (defined at level Company) : Revenue accruals sales inv.

 GAUKIK4 (defined at level Company) : Expense accruals purchase inv.

 SVCFLG (defined at level Company) : Accruals generation

Functions concerned

The following functions are impacted by the activity code  :

 Financials > Closing processes > Closing accruals

 A/P-A/R accounting > Invoicing > Customer BP invoices

 A/P-A/R accounting > Invoicing > Customer intercompany invoice

 A/P-A/R accounting > Invoicing > Supplier BP invoices

 A/P-A/R accounting > Invoicing > Supplier intercompany invoice

 Purchasing > Invoices > Invoices

 Setup > Purchasing > Entry transactions > Invoices/Credit memos

 Sales > Invoices > Invoices

 Setup > Sales > Entry transactions > Credit memos

 Setup > Sales > Entry transactions > Invoices

Linked activity codes