This entry point is used to take control at the time of displaying and accounting document in the accounts inquiry process (CNSCPT function).
The OK variable set to 0 is used to omit the document to be displayed.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
- The CONSCPT1 mask (criteria header) and the CRITCPT mask (all the criteria using the "Criteria" button) is used to have a list of the defined criteria to consult the accounting documents.
These masks are open and loaded.
- The variable OK set to 1 on entering the entry point is evaluated on exiting the entry point.
If OK=0, the accounting journal will not be displayed in the grid.
Variable or mask | Definition |
CONSCPT1 [CPT1] | Criteria header masks |
CONSCPT2 [CPT2] | Display grid |
CRITCPT [CCPT] | Detailed criteria entry mask |
Integer OK | Variable tested on return from the entry point |
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (…).
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
GACCENTRY | YES | Accounting documents |
GACCENTRYD | YES | Accounting documents lines |
GACCENTRYA | NO | Accounting analytical lines |
FACILITY | NO | Site |
COMPANY | YES | Company |
FACGROUP | NO | Site grouping |
FISCALYEAR | NO | Accounting financial |
PERIOD | NO | Periods |
TABCUR | NO | Currency tables |
GTABACC2 | NO | Accounts inquiry |
BALANCE | NO | General balance |
GACCOUNT | YES | General ledger accounts |
GRPSAC | NO | Control account groups |