Entry points > Module Common Data > Standard script ECCLIB 

PASBUTECC1: Entry of fields in BOM header with version

Use this entry point to take over every time the PASBUTECC1 action is executed to authorize the entry of a BOM header field which cannot be entered in standard mode.

Note: It does not concern the first version of the BOM being created for which all the header fields can be entered in standard mode.

Context and operating mode

Available variables

To authorize the entry of a BOM header field when the standard management of versions prohibits it, the GPE variable must be set to 1.

The current field must be specified with the zoncou variable.

The current screen is specified with the maskcou variable.

The [M:BOh0] screen is loaded.

PASECCUSE2: Entry of fields for a BOM line with version

Use this entry point to take over every time the PASBUTECC2 action is executed to authorize the entry of a BOM line field which cannot be entered in standard mode.

Note: It concerns the BOM lines of normal type for the versions in use and those impacting several versions.

Context and operating mode

Available variables and masks

To authorize the entry of a BOM line field when the standard management of versions prohibits it, the GPE variable must be set to 1.

The current field must be specified with the zoncou variable.

The current screen is specified with the maskcou variable.

The BOM line index is specified with the NOL variable. In "Record entry" mode, NOL=0.

The [M:BOh0] screen is loaded.