Entry points > Module Purchasing > Standard script FUNCLEAR 

POQFILTRE: Additional filters on purchase order for closure

This entry point located in the FUNCLEAR process, purchase order closing, generates a "POQFILTRE" action.

The purpose of this action is to give the possibility to set additional filters on the purchase orders to be closed.

Context and operating mode


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

The call is made before the order line closing processing but after having validated the selection entry screen.

Available variables and masks

The following variables are loaded at the time of the call to the "POQFILTRE" action.


Filter on the order lines constituted by the process from the POHCLEAR selection screen.


Additional filter on the order lines constituted by the process from the POHCLEAR selection screen.

The following variables must be modified to have an impact on the loading of the table of the order lines to be closed.


Additional filter on the order lines (PORDERQ).


Additional filter on the order headers (PORDER).

Open tables

In the table below, the "significant content" flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (in this precise case there is none).


Significant content

Table Title



 Order header



 Order price line



 Order line quantity

Miscellaneous remarks

For the POHFILTRE filter, it is necessary to specify the [F :POH] class for the fields of the PORDER table.