Entry points > Module Manufacturing > Standard script JALLIBB 

CAPACITY : Daily capacity weighting

This entry point is used to intervene in the daily capacity of work centres.

Context and operating method


Available screen and file classes

The FACILITY ([F :FCY]), TABUNAVAIL ([F :TUV]), WORKSTATIO ([F :MWS]), CAPVAR (F :CPV)) and TABWEEDIA ([F :TWD]) tables are loaded at the time of the call to the entry point.


This entry point has been designed to make it possible to intervene in the daily capacity of the work centres calculated by X3. At the time of the call, the standard calculation of the daily capacity has already been carried out. The entry point is then used to modify this result.

The variable that is to be modified as a result is LCAP(I).

Example of usage:

Where the specific/custom variable [F :MWS]XUSE corresponds to a utilization rate for the capacity.

The entry point process can carryout out an operation of the type :

LCAP(I) = (LCAP(I) * [F :MWS]XUSE) / 100

It should be noted that the LCAP(I) variable contains a result that does not systematically take into account the number of examples of the work centre.

This context can be recognised by the INBR variable :

INBR = 0        The capacity calculated by X3 does not take into account the number of examples

INBR = 1        The capacity calculated by X3 takes into account the number of examples


To load the daily capacity from an external source (rather than using weighting), use the LDATD variable that contains the date corresponding to the value 0 of the index I for the capacity grid LCAP(I).

Open tables

In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is coherent with the context (...).

TableSignificant contentTable Title
WORKSTATIOYesWork centers
CAPVARYesCapacity variations
TABWEEDIAYesWeekly structures

STARTHOUR: Initialization of the day start time

This entry point serves to initialize the start time for the day.

The setup of the scheduling for the site is used to define to time schedules (activity start 1 and 2) that are applied in the case of a calculation for the positioning of operations in the day.

This entry point makes it possible for the user to introduce their own initialization logic (time schedule can depend on the work centre for example).

Context and operating method


Indeterminate, the entry point is located in the scheduling that can be called in different contexts.

Log file

Indeterminate, the entry point is located in the scheduling that can be called in different contexts.

Available variables and masks

            On entry       LWST     = work centre

                                   LFCY     = production site

                                   LDAYCAP  = daily capacity in hours

                                   WFRCSTRD(J) = date

On exit       WSTARTC = time in the format HH:MM


Implementation example


# Entry point STARTHOUR



#            On entry LWST     = work centre

#                      LFCY     = site

#                      LDAYCAP  = daily capacity

#                      WFRCSTRD(J) = forced date

#On exit   WSTARTC = time in the format HH:MM


ACTION example

    When "STARTHOUR"      : Gosub STARTHOUR





If (LDAYCAP > 0  & LDAYCAP <= 10) : WSTARTC = "08:00" : Endif

If (LDAYCAP > 10  & LDAYCAP <= 20) : WSTARTC = "04:00:00 AM" : Endif



Open tables

In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.


Significant content

Table Title



Work centers



Weekly structures



Capacity variations


WORKLOAD: Update of the WORKLOAD table

This entry point is used to intervene in the daily capacity of work centres.

Context and operating method

Available screen and file classes

The WORKLOAD [WKL] table is loaded at the moment of the entry point call.


The load being written is contained in the WCALC decimal value.

The context is known via the global variables:

GWKLACT : Action ("L" for addition of load, "U" for unload)

GWKLMFG : Work order number

GWKLOPE : Operation number

GWKLSPL : Operation fraction

Open tables

In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is coherent with the context (...).


Significant content

Table Title



Work centre load

FILTERWKL : Filtre de lecture de la table WORKLOAD avant mise à jour

This entry point is used at the constitution of a reading filter on table WORLOAD before its update.

Context and operating method

Available screen and file classes

The WORKLOAD [WKL] table is open at the moment of the entry point call.


This entry point is used to replace the standard filter.

For instance     :


ACTION example

    When "FILTERWKL"     : Gosub FILTER_WKL







&                Order By Key WKL0

GPE = 1



Open tables

In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is coherent with the context (...).


Significant content

Table Title



Work centre load