Entry points > Module Supervisor > Standard script PASSE 

CTLPASSE: Control after the change of the user password

This entry point is used to add controls on the password entered (in clear) by the user and prevent the update transaction. It can also be used for the password archiving, among others.

Context and operating mode

This process can be called upon connection of a new session if a password must be entered (example of the expired password or mandatory password after the change in the setup) or it can be called if the user voluntary changes the password via the PASSE function.
All control are already carried out previously: previous password, re-entry of the new password, length.

The GPE variable positioned at 1 is used to deny the entry of the password and prevent the update transaction.

- the PASSE variable contains the value of the password (in clear)
- the OLDPASSE variable contains the value of the previous password (in clear)
- the USER variable contains the user ID
- the PASSE screen is still not open

- the ADOVAL and AUTILIS tables are open