Use this entry point to assign an employee ID number different from the one assigned by the MAT counter on recruitment of the employee. The recruitment is performed by clicking the Recruitment button in employee arrival.
Different call cases
This entry point is called after a new chrono employee ID is assigned to the NEWREFNUM variable. To assign another ID to the employee, the NEWREFNUM variable value must be modified.
Available variables and masks
The ENTSAL0 [ENT0] ENTSAL1 [ENT1] ENTSAL2 [ENT2] and ENTSAL3 [ENT3] are available in this entry point. The NEWREFNUM variable contains the new ID of the employee after the recruitment. If the GOK variable is set to 0, the processing stops.
Open tables
The EMPLO*, POPUL [HRPOP], POPULA [HRPOA], ATABDIV [ADI] TXTCTR [HRTXC] CAISSE [PCA] EMPLOID [IDB] ACTIV [ACV] DUEEMP [DUE] EMPCTR [ECT] tables are open, but their content is not significant.
There is no transaction in progress.
Log file
There is no open log file.
Use this entry point to update records linked to the employee ID other than the EMPLOPAR, EMPLOEXN and EMPLOAD tables. The recruitment is performed by clicking the Recruitment button in employee arrival.
Different call cases
This entry point is called after the EMPLOID, EMPLOCTR, EMPLOEXN tables are updated.
Available variables and masks
The ENTSAL0 [ENT0] ENTSAL1 [ENT1] ENTSAL2 [ENT2] and ENTSAL3 [ENT3] are available in this entry point. The NEWREFNUM variable contains the new ID of the employee after the recruitment. If the GOK variable is set to 0, the processing stops.
Open tables
The EMPLO*, POPUL [HRPOP], POPULA [HRPOA], ATABDIV [ADI] TXTCTR [HRTXC] CAISSE [PCA] EMPLOID [IDB] ACTIV [ACV] DUEEMP [DUE] EMPCTR [ECT] tables are open, but their content is not significant.
There is one transaction in progress.
Log file
There is no open log file.