This entry point located in the SUBPIHBprocessing (loading of a credit memo on return line) generates an "ORIPRIAVR" action.
The purpose of this action is to give the possibility to load the specific unit prices.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The call is carried out during the loading of the credit memo line being the result of a "supplier return picking" or of a manual entry.
The following variables are loaded upon calling the "ORIPRIAVR" action.
Currency in which the prices must be expressed.
Index of the line being loaded.
The following screen masks can be used: [M:PIH0], [M:PIH1], [M:PIH2], [M:PIH3], [M:PIH4]
The variable and the classes given above must not be modified with the exception of the following.
The following variable must be modified to force a specific unit price.
Net unitary price
The following variable can be modified for information purposes but without influence on the calculation of the line.
Gross unit price.
Discounts/Charges 1 to 9.
Gross price reason.
Reasons of discounts/charges 1 to 9.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
PINVOICE | No | Invoice header |
PINVOICEV | No | Additional purchase invoice header |
PINVOICED | No | Purchase invoice lines |
PRETURN | Yes | Supplier return header |
PRETURND | Yes | Supplier return line |
PRECEIPT | Yes | Receipt header |
PRECEIPTD | Yes | Receipt line |
This entry point is called only if the credit memo line comes from a supplier return.
This entry point located in the SUBPIHBprocessing (loading of a purchase invoice line), generates an "ORIPRIFAC" action.
The purpose of this action is to give the possibility to act on the loading of the origine unit price.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The call is carried out during the loading of the invoice line being the result of a "picking" or of a manual entry.
The following variable is loaded upon calling the "ORIPRIFAC" action.
Index of the line being loaded.
The following screen masks can be used: [M:PIH0], [M:PIH1], [M:PIH2], [M:PIH3], [M:PIH4]
The variable and the classes given above must not be modified.
The following variable must be modified to influence the loading of the origin unit price.
Loading indicator of the origin unit price for the invoice line.
1 = Loading from the price saved on the order line (default value)
2 = Loading from the price entered on the receipt line
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
PINVOICE | No | Invoice header |
PINVOICEV | No | Additional purchase invoice header |
PINVOICED | No | Purchase invoice lines |
PORDER | Yes | Order header |
PORDERP | Yes | Order price line |
PORDERQ | Yes | Order line quantity |
PRECEIPT | Yes | Receipt header |
PRECEIPTD | Yes | Receipt line |
This entry point is called only if the invoice line comes from a receipt.
This entry point located in the SUBPIHBprocessing (loading of a purchase invoice line), generates an "ALILIGFAC" action.
The purpose of this action is to give the possibility to change the values of the line fields or to load the specific fields.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The call is carried out following the loading of the invoice line being either the result of a "picking" or of a manual entry.
The following variable is loaded when calling the "ALILIGFAC" action.
Index of the line being loaded. This variable cannot be modified.
The following screen masks can be used: [M:PIH0], [M:PIH1], [M:PIH2], [M:PIH3], [M:PIH4]
This field is used to determine the loading type.
- 1 Preloading from the orders
- 2 Preloading from the receipts
- 3 Preloading from the returns
- 4 Preloading of the credit memo from the invoice if [M:PIH0]PIHTYP=3
- 4 Preloading of the additional invoice line if [M:PIH0]PIHTYP=2
- 5 Preloading of the miscellaneous line
Main fields that can be modified
This field contains the invoiced quantity. It is linked to the [M:PIH3]UOM(NOL) unit.
If this field is modified, the program will re-calculate the quantity in PUR unit contained in the [M:PIH3]QTYUPUU(NOL) field linked to the unit [M:PIH3]PUU(NOL) as a function of the coefficient contained in the field [M:PIH3]UOMPUUCOE(NOL), as well as the Ex-tax amount for the line contained in the [M:PIH3]AMTNOTLIG(NOL) field in the currency indicated in the [M:PIH1]CUR field.
This field contains the invoiced quantity in PUR unit. It is linked to the unit [M:PIH3]PUU(NOL).
If this field is modified, the program will recalculate the quantity in UOM contained in the [M:PIH3]QTYUOM(NOL) field linked to the [M:PIH3]UOM(NOL)unit depending on the coefficient contained in the [M:PIH3]UOMPUUCOE(NOL)field, as well as the ex-tax amount for the line contained in the [M:PIH3]AMTNOTLIG(NOL) field in the currency indicated in the [M:PIH1]CUR field.
This field contains the origin quantity to be invoiced in PUR unit. It is used to detect whether a difference in the quantity exists.
Warning: This field is not automatically loaded if the [M:PIH3]QTYPUU(NOL) field is modified, it must be managed in the entry point, if needed.
This field contains the net price in the currency indicated in the [M:PIH1]CUR field.
If this field is modified, the program will recalculate the ex-tax amount for the line contained in the [M:PIH3]AMTNOTLIG(NOL) field in the currency indicated in the [M:PIH1]CUR field.
This field contains the origin net price. It is used to detect whether a difference in the price exists.
Warning: this field is not automatically loaded if the [M:PIH3]NETPRI(NOL) field is modified, it must be managed in the entry point, if needed.
This field contains the Ex-tax amount.
If this field is modified and the quantity and net price have not been modified, the program will recalculate the net price for the [M:PIH3]NETPRI(NOL)line in the currency indicated in the [M:PIH1]CUR field.
This field contains the indicator used to identify whether there is partial invoicing or not.
1 No
2 Yes
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
PINVOICE | No | Invoice header |
PINVOICEV | No | Additional purchase invoice header |
PINVOICED | No | Purchase invoice lines |
PORDER | Yes | Order header |
PORDERP | Yes | Order price line |
PORDERQ | Yes | Order line quantity |
PRECEIPT | Yes | Receipt header |
PRECEIPTD | Yes | Receipt line |
This entry point located in the SUBPIHB processing (purchase invoice processing) generates a "CTLVALFAC" action.
The purpose of this action is to give the possibility to not carry out a control on the invoices or credit memos concerning the origin document.
This control is used to ensure that the invoices or credit memos previously entered have been validated, requiring that they be validated in chronological order of their creation and in order to guarantee a correct price adjustment of the stock movements.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The call is carried out upon creation of a purchase invoice/credit memo following the entry or the "picking" of the origin document (order, receipt or return).
The following variable must be modified to prevent the control to be carried out.
Indicator on the control to be carried out.
0 = No control is carried out on the invoices or credit memos previously entered.
1 = The standard control is carried out (default value).
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
PINVOICE | No | Invoice header |
PINVOICEV | No | Additional purchase invoice header |
PINVOICED | No | Purchase invoice lines |
PORDER | No | Order header |
PORDERP | No | Order price line |
PORDERQ | No | Order line quantity |
PRECEIPT | No | Receipt header |
PRECEIPTD | No | Receipt line |
Warning: The deletion of the control followed by a disordered validation of the invoices can lead to a wrong price adjustment.
This entry point located in the SUBPIHB processing (purchase invoice processing) generates a "CALTAXEGLOB" action.
The purpose of this action is to give the possibility to act during the global calculation of the purchase invoice taxes.
This entry point is mostly used within the framework of a localization for Argentina.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
The call is carried out for each tax when the PIHCALTAX parameter has the value 2 "Recalculate on the summary".
This call is carried out upon entry of a purchase invoice/credit memo before clicking the "Create" or "Save" button.
The following screen masks are loaded: [M:PIH0], [M:PIH1], [M:PIH3] and [M:PIH4]
Index of the line in the grid of taxes being processed.
Code of the tax being processed.
Calculation basis of the tax being processed.
Amount of the tax being processed.
Amount of the deductible part of the tax being processed.
Tax minimum amount under which the tax should not be calculated.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
PINVOICE | No | Invoice header |
PINVOICEV | No | Additional purchase invoice header |
PINVOICED | No | Purchase invoice lines |
PORDER | No | Order header |
PORDERP | No | Order price line |
PORDERQ | No | Order line quantity |
PRECEIPT | No | Receipt header |
PRECEIPTD | No | Receipt line |
This entry point is normally used within the framework of a localization for Argentina.