Use this entry point to take over after the creation of a routing operation in the ROUOPE table, in order to process additional specific tables.
There is one transaction in progress.
There is an open log file.
The [M:DIA] screen is loaded.
This entry point is called in the For [ROO] Where... loop that concerns the operations of an original site routing, after each write of a new routing and its scheduling in the destination site via the [F:ROOW] and [F:ROSW] classes, and before the routing header on the destination site is written. This loop is included in a For [ROH] Where... loop that concerns routings of the original site.
The GOK variable is set to 1 upon calling the entry point. It is then tested. If GOK<1, the processing is stopped and the transaction is entirely rollbacked.
The GERR variable is set to 0 upon calling the entry point. It is then tested. If GERR=1, the processing is stopped and the transaction is entirely rollbacked with the addition of the GMESSAGE error message to the log file.
ROUTING [ROH] Routing headers (original site, read)
ROUOPE [ROO] Routing operations (original site, read)
ROUOPE [ROOW] Routing operations (destination site, write)
TABFOR [TFO] Formulas
ROUTING [ROHW] Routing headers (destination site, write)
ROUSCD [ROS] Routing operation scheduling (original site, read)
ROUSCD [ROSW] Routing operation scheduling (destination site, write)
WORKSTATIO [MWS] Work centers (original site, read)
WORKSTATIO [MWSW] Work centers (destination site, read)
ATEXTRA [AXX] Translatable texts
TABROUALT [TRO] Routing codes