This entry point acts during the modification of the stock movements for a return line.
It is used to take control after all the updates in order to update the specific/custom tables and fields.
It is called in the return management, in return modification, during the use of right click "Receipt modification" available from a return line having been the object of a return to stock.
There is one transaction in progress. This is the stock movement and return update transaction.
To cancel the transaction if there is a problem, the GOK variable must be set to 0.
There is no open log file.
The PE is located at the level of the receipt modification window, after having entered the modification and used the "Save" button.
It is called in the ENR action of the SAISTOENTM action.
It is located in the stock movement update transaction. The update of the stock has been carried out as well as the update of the original document (return line and return header).
The [M :SRH1] screen is on line and loaded with the return data and with the new values arising from the stock modifications.
The LLIGDOC and NOL variables contain the index of the return line that is being processed in the return line grid.
The LQTYSTU table contains the STK quantity entered in the receipt modifications window. It corresponds to the new return quantity in STK.
The LCOEF variable contains the conversion coefficient used in the window. If there are several stock movement lines, it is only entered if the coefficient is unique for all the lines.
The LPCU variable contains the unit used in the window. If there are several stock movement lines, it is only entered if the unit is the same on all the lines.
The update of the stock has been carried out as well as the updates the return line and the header. The [F :SRD] and [F :SRH] classes are therefore updated.
It should be noted that all the movements for the line have been deleted, the return line has also been deleted in the grid of the lines [M :SRH1] and in [F :SRD]. If there is only this line on the return, the return has been deleted in [F :SRH].
The corresponding updates are also carried out : Update the shipment or the supplier return if the requirement existed, update of the statistics and customer movements.
In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (the current customer is loaded...). Traditionally, this is the case for the file that contains the header and not the file that contains the lines...
Table | Significant content | Table Title |
SDELIVERY | Yes | Shipment header |
SDELIVERYD | Yes | Shipment line |
SRETURN | Yes | Return header |
SRETURND | Yes | Return detail |
SORDER | No | Order headers |
SORDERQ | No | Order line quantities |
SORDERP | No | Order line prices |
BPCUSTOMER | No | Customers |
BPDLVCUST | No | Ship-to customers |
ITMMASTER | No | Products |
ITMSALES | No | Products - Sales |
ITMBPC | No | Products - Customers |
ITMBPS | No | Products-Suppliers |
ITMMVT | No | Product - Movements |
ITMCATEG | No | Product categories |
ITMFACILIT | No | Products-site |
TABSTORUL | No | Stock management rules |
TABUNIT | No | Unit of measure table |
TABSTASTO | No | Stock statuses table |
STOCK | No | Stock |
STOJOU | No | Stock journal |
STOLOT | No | Lots |
STOSER | No | Serial numbers |
STOALL | No | Allocations |
STOCOST | No | FIFO stock costs |
STOLOC | No | Locations |
TABLOCTYP | No | Location type table |
PRETURN | Yes | Supplier return header |
PRETURND | Yes | Supplier return detail |
PRECEIPTD | No | Supplier receipts |
PORDERQ | No | Supplier order detail |