This entry point is used to complete the loading of the [M] classes used in the valuation of the document.
It is called in the TRTVENFACR process.
The valuation is actually used for quotes and orders (VISUVALTTC action). It is used in the management of quotes and orders to obtain a tax-incl valuation taking into account the invoicing elements. The action consists of loading the [M] classes used in the invoice with the document data and to carryout the calculation. The [SIHV] mask contains the complete result of the calculation.
The entry point is called after loading the masks [SIH0], [SIH1], [SIH2], [SIH4]. It is used to modify or complete the data in these masks before the valuation calculation.
The value of [M:SIH0]ORICLC determines the context.
If [M:SIH0]ORICLC="SQH" : the quote masks [SQH0], [SQH1], [SQH2], [SQH3] are accessible.
If [M:SIH0]ORICLC="SOH" : the order masks [SOH0], [SOH1], [SOH2], [SOH3], [SOH4] are accessible.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no log file.
The [F] classes of the object of the context are open.