General parameters > Chapter Purchase > Parameter APPPOH (Manage signatures - POs) 

Use this parameter to activate the management of signatures on purchase orders and specify if this management is optional or mandatory.

When signature management is activated, you can print, receive or invoice a purchase order, but only if this order has been signed.

In inter-company or inter-site contexts, the corresponding sales order can only be generated once the purchase open order signature is fully complete.

This parameter can be set to:

Non: Signature management is deactivated. The signature status or purchase orders is set to: No management. You can print or receive purchase orders, at all times.

Yes optional: Signature management is enabled, but it must be set up against an assignment rule or the purchase order will be automatically signed.

See the POHSIG - Order signature management workflow event.

Yes mandatory: Signature management is activated. Signature management must be set up against all assignment rules. Otherwise, the purchase order is considered to be unsigned and another workflow event is triggered to warn authorized users that no assignment rule has been defined.

See the POCSIGNCR - No-rule notification workflow rule.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Company.It belongs to Chapter ACH (Purchase) and the Group APP (Signature management),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GAPPPOH is associated with it.

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

 Purchasing > Orders > Orders


If the management of commitments is enabled from the PURCMM - Update budget - commitments parameter (ACH chapter, CMM group), commitments are automatically generated when creating the purchase order, even if the order is not signed.

The commitment date is defined by the PURCMMDAT - Commitment date parameter (ACH chapter, CMM group).