General parameters > Chapter Adonix > Parameter TUL13 (Data type 13) 

The TUL01 to TUL20 parameters are used to define the types of characters used in the formats to perform fine checks on the characters used. These parameters are of type character string, and are composed as followed:

  • The first character specifies the type of character that is being defined. The "standard" types of the Adonix engine must not be redefined. The list of these types is given in appendix (consequently, the list of the "free" alphabetic codes is: EGIJKNOPQRSTUVWZ and cdefgijklnopqrtuvwxyz, it is important to note that the character case is significant).
  • The following characters are used to define an (optional) list of types whose characters are included in the characters authorized for the type that is being defined.
  • Then there is the ‘:’ separator. (colon)
  • It is then possible to add an explicit list of accepted characters.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Folder.It belongs to Chapter ADX (Adonix) and the Group FMT (Formats),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

No global variable is associated with it.


Let us assume that the following strings are defined in TUL15 and TUL16 respectively:

  • n#:AH
  • jn:/()\

Two new types of characters have been defined and they can be used in the formats: type n, that corresponds either to a number(#) or to one of the two characters A and H, and type j, that corresponds either to one of the characters recognized in type n, or to one of the characters / ( ) \. From then on, an entry format such as 9n3j will have a meaning, and will be understood as a format describing "a string of a maximum of 12 characters, comprised of 9 characters of type n, possibly followed by 3 characters of type j".

Functions concerned

The definition of the entry formats (and in particular the screen and data type management) is impacted by these parameters.


Types TUL01 to TUL07 sre used to define types of characters of software in Adonix technology. Except in a few cases, it is recommended not to modify them: indeed, an inappropriate modification can raise operating problems further on. In any case, the location where these types are used will have to be verified.

Moreover it is recommended to avoid using types TUL08 to TUL10, that are reserved for possible extensions of the standard formats of the Safe software. On the other hand, types TUL11 to TUL20 are reserved for custom developments, and they can thus be used freely.

The list of the standard types managed by the Adonix engine is mentioned hereafter:




Numbers from (0 to 9).


Uppercase letters (A-Z).


Lowercase letters (a-z).


Upper and lowercase letters (A-Z, a-z).


Uppercase letters + numbers.


Lowercase letters + numbers


Upper and lowercase letters + numbers


Hexadecimal numbers (0-9, A-F).


Any printable characters.


Number comprising a year.


Number or letter comprising a month.


Number comprising a day.


Position of the decimal separator


Number with floating format.


Number for the current time (on display).


Number for the minutes (on display)


Number for the seconds (on display).

' '

Entry of blanks


Internal to Adonix (uppercase letter)


Internal to Adonix (uppercase letter + number)